Thursday, June 13, 2013

Yesterday & today (12-13/6)

Hi. I'm blogging from my phone again. I haven't really had much :(

Well. Yesterday was the very last day of school... everyone was assembled and all of the 9th graders had to be in the spotlight. I and one of my classmate held the speech. We were so nervous ;_; But it went well! We got our grades and hugged every teacher who'd had us during our years at that school. Along with the grades, we also got a rose. (I taped it on my wardrobe becausw I want to save it ><)

I don't know why but... some of those giys actually came up to me and my friends for a "goodbye hug" which was cute. But damn it. Those hugs made me realize I was going to miss them all.... despite the terrible things that had happened. So, yeah. I miss them right now. I'm kinda sad... But I'm also glad that all of that is over... ;_;
     This is such a strange feeling.

Anyways.... I've been to town several times to buy some important stuff since we're going to Thailand tomorrow. We've just packed... and I'm off to bed soon >_<

I'm going to take one month of break from blogging from tomorrow on, since I won't be having any acsess to internet unless I go to a computer store(or getting a new SIMcard) I'm going to take lots of photos (as usual) ^^

I wish you all a great summer! xD
See you when I get home~
(PS. It's too bad I can't move the photos in this post, from my phone ;_;)

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


A lot of things has happened lately... First of all I had to return school's laptop, that I borrowed for 3 years, yesterday. It took me a while to figure out how to blog using my phone *cough*

Anyways... Yesterday wasn't a regular day. We had P.E in the morning and we were practising on this game that's quite similar to baseball. (Every year, the nith graders have to compete against the teachers in this game. The teachers had always won, except for that one game 7 years ago) Our class wanted to win so badly, so they had pretty high confidence that they'd win. So so, yesterday we were practising for that. They were mean to us girls of course... one of those guys came up to us and said "you have to try your best 200%". Of course it wasn't that mean. But then this other guy came and said "No, you know what? You don't have to try because you don't even have to join the game with us". And then, yet, another guy came to us and said "with your hits on that ball... we're just going to lose". So I'm like "We don't want to play with you anyway. So please don't try to talk to us about it." And my friend also said the same thing... I just don't get it... this is the last game we'll play together so why do they have to go as far as trying to get rid of the "bad ones" in our class, just to win?!?!?

Anyways.... I pretty much lost ny motivation to even make any effort. I didn't feel like playing..
     The game was today. We were forced to play. When we were waiting for the teachers to arrive, the boys and the girls were sitting on each bench... Suddenly one of them came to the girls and said "come with us". We asked "why?". Then he said "Because we're a class". So me and my one friend were thinking " Since when?!?!? Did you guys realize that just now??" -.- oh well.
     We won. It's a miracle. We're the second class who'd won against the teachers. I was pretty surprised. I never thought we'd win. But still, I didn't do much anyway, so I wouldn't say that "we" won. Morw like "they" won xD (Congratulations. I was happy for them o_o)

Anyways... when we came home after school, we had to go back there again at 6pm to have a dinner all together. Both teachers and our class. During our dinner, everyone in our class were going to hold a speech since we all had prepared a speech for a specific classmate. The teachers were the one who chose the person we were going to make the speech for.
     I prepared the speech about my friend and when I was going to make the speech my head just turned all BLANK. I couldn't remember the speech, and unike the others, I didn't have the speech in front of me on a paper............ it was sooooo scary.... but I managed to make it "unoticable" that I left some parts out... I was pretty disappointed though. But it's k...
     So...... a problem occured. That person, who both of my friends had a crush on, made the speech for me. ..... He said nice things like "you're a really good friend, you help everyone with their homework, etc".. And then he said "I remember when we were in 5th grade. I asked you to be my girlfriend and you said 'no'. I knew you would because I never expected anything but a 'no'. I mean, who can win the heart of a cutie like you?". OMG. I definitely thought he had forgotten that. We were 11... I looked at my one friend and she had this hurt look on her face while everyone else was laughing their asses off.............. After that speech we never talked about it ever again. I hope she's okay........

(I'm sorry for typos, if I have any... I haven't gotten used to type on this phone yet)

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Classtrip to Copenhagen, Denmark

Finally, I'm sitting here ready to tell you about my unusual Friday.
I came home at 6pm yesterday and I was soooooooo tired.... I have no idea what I was doing when I came home. I guess I just wasted my time on something unimportant, because when I looked at the clock... it was already 11pm. At that time I realized I had to do something nessecary if I wasn't going to bed. So I did that, and went to sleep.... ;u;

I'm going to begin the story when I woke up. I woke up with a heart attack because of the vibration of my phone (I'm a light sleeper). When I had put on the clothes and eaten breakfast, my mother said "Why did you set the alarm at 2am on your old phone?". I got a bit confused. I mean, I never did that! And then she told me that the alarm went on at night and that she and my dad woke up because of it. She said "Your dad had to get up to turn it off! It took him so long to do that so I asked him what was wrong. He said he didn't know how to turn it off so he just sat there pressing every button he could. The people living downstairs woke up also. I think it was because of the alarm. The alarm went on FOUR TIMES! You know what he did? He put it under the pillow to choke the sound, but it was still too loud. Poor him." So I said "Why didn't he just take out the battery?" and she replied "Hey. If people are tired; their brain won't work properly. So do you really think he could think of that????" (pffft-)

As I promised, I took loads of pictures :3
I even took pictures of unnecessary stuff so I'm probably going to sit here for another few more minutes to "clean" the image folder.
This is at the train station in Sweden.

This was when I realized that we were in Denmark because of the strange "O"
I actually took a lot more pictures when we were riding the train but... they're too boring to show xD

When we took our first steps outside of the train station I realized that I took too many pictures. I thought for myself "This isn't what regular people do, is it? Isn't it a bit embarassing to take pictures of everything?" and looked around. Guess what I spotted? I saw one of my classmates standing there with his phone trying to take a picture of something, so I was relieved that I wasn't the only one! :D When I looked closer, I saw him taking a picture of the bus standing right in front of us. So I was thinking "Uhm... What's so interesting about that bus??? o__o;" and then I saw him zooming into something. I never realized what it was until I looked away from his "phone screen" and saw the actual bus. He was taking a photo of the picture showing on the bus. It was boobs. Bare boobs. BARE. BOOBS. Ok, it shouldn't have been that surprising, but really?? *shakes head* I poked my best friend and said "Look at the bus! Look at that bus!!! Can you see it?!? Can you?!?" but she was just confused. She couldn't see the picture even though she was looking at the bus. (I guess those bus-pictures don't really get much attention, do they? O.O) The teacher heard me and said something totally unrelated. She was like "OOOOoooh, have you spotted someone you like on the bus? ;) How was he? Was he handsome? ;)" so I was like "What, no ._______. Look at the picture on the bus!!! T~T" I have no idea why I wanted them to see it so badly, but I just thought it was too weird, ok.

Here are some more photos. ;_;

↑ I like that hand in the corner.

My favorite shot :'D The ferris wheel was actually really small T~T But I managed to get some "ok" photos. ^-^ The funny thing is that the ferris wheel was the ride that made me go really, really, uahjdkahuryhfjhyd, because it went too fast ;__;

↑ My friend went on that one. See the swings? They were brought up really high and just swinged around in circles. I took that picture when I was riding the ferris Wheel.

 That's the "plane" over there. It's the toughest ride, ever. I mean, look at it. It's swinging  and you get to  be upside down during the ride. Just looking at it made my head spin ;_; The guys were riding i,t and one of them wasn't really that fond of it. His face was soooo red and he screamed "I WANT TO GO OFF!!!!!". HAHAHAHA >:)

I really, really, really liked this side of the amusement park! *-* It was so beautiful.

That's the "demon" ride ._. (I didn't ride it)


It was fun. But it was really tiring because I was forced to ride the rides with them. I'm still having the headache.

The scariest ride for me was actually the talllllllll "free fall ride". The view up there was really beautiful, but... it made the fall worse, since my mind was floating elsewhere. I wasn't on my guard, I was just gazing on the view. The fall came and my head almost fell off. I tried to catch my head with my hands but the air just wouldn't let me. That feeling was so "OMG D':<" ish (I think that's why my neck is hurting right now....). Before we went on the ride, the guys had already ridden it, so they were standing down there waiting to see our faces as we fell. =___=  They were laughing like animals. Anyways, I never want to ride that again. Never......

Another memorable ride was the "flying carpet" (The flying carpet swings back and forth and goes around in circles sometimes). Surprisingly I wasn't feeling sick when I was riding it. ^-^ I laughed so much. Before we went on the ride I asked my friend to have my phone in her pocket since it was too big for my own pockets(imagine how it would be with a Galaxy Note 2 instead). So she had both of our phones in her pocket. We went to our seats and that security thingy was put down (you know, those black thingies that keeps your body on the seat). During the ride, we kind of pushed the security-thingy closer to our body by mistake because we were really scared we'd fall off ;__; Suddenly my friend was screaming "Omg!! My legs! I can't feel my legs! omg! Our phones!!! They're getting squashed!!!" etc, etc. She just kept screaming like that the whole ride so it was kind of funny xD And... when I looked down, I saw a shoe flying to our side. I just laughed because it made me remember the sign, in front of the ride, saying "Attention! We won't be responsible for flying properties. Tie your shoes properly if you don't want them to fly". I'm sorry if I have a weird sense of humor XD

We came home at 6pm.. I was really, really tired... but then my friend had to go to the library in town so we had to go with her. >< I also had to buy something there, so we went around carrying our heavy bags. My shoulder and back hurt so badly ;___; And... on our way home, we found a small almost-dying-bird. :( I don't know how I spotted it... I just looked on the ground as we were walking and saw a lump next to one of the doors to the appartments. So I looked closer and saw a cute bird. It was about to die though... I don't know what happened to it >< I took a picture of it too ;_; I don't know what's wrong with me! How can I take a picture of her/him when s/he is about to die?!?!? No worries, I took the picture quickly and then we picked the little bird up on a tissue. I had no idea how we were going to save it but I thought I'd bring it home and then make some research of how to take care of hurting birds. My best friend told me we could bring the bird to our other friend since she already has birds and probably know how to take care of them. I know this is a complete different matter but.... it's worth a try? I hope we aren't just making it more hurtful for the bird ;____;
Look! It's so smalll T___T It's screaming for help ;_____; (omg, what's wrong with me?!?!?)