Saturday, October 27, 2012

No words?

No words today, just three simple photos.

No... wait... alright!!!!!
I miss the sun's warmth... >3<
It has started to snow for a few seconds @.@ and.. the weather is awfully cold right now...

These days are quite dead. I'm not doing anything... I'm just nerding myself by reading mangas..
I have no life. AND SINCE IT'S ONE-WEEK-HOLIDAY RIGHT NOW, I'LL PROBABLY BE DOING NOTHING BUT THAT. (and thereafter.... struggling over the stress of not having done any homework because I "forgot"... seriously? This is becoming a bad habit.... -.-)
But... tomorrow... I might go to the shopping mall with my younger brother. He's going to buy video games, hahah... and.. well.. I thought of buying some fabric paint because I'm thinking of painting on my shirts and shoes.. o3o (I KNOW IT'S CHILDISH, BUT.. "so what"? ;___;)

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