Wednesday, October 10, 2012


I'm... still mad at that jerk who kicked my childhood friend. If only voodoo dolls worked. >  <
I could make him suffer................ do I sound creepy? .__.
I hope nothing bad happens to her today...

I don't get it... whenever I'm not there... there's always something bad that happens to her.. I mean... when I transferred schools in 6th grade... all the guys were bullying her. They told her "Give us your money or else we'll beat you up."... and so... they got her money. She couldn't refuse. Their threats weren't just empty threats, they would hit her for real. This continued for a long time.... until her mouth slipped and told her older brother of what they'd done to her. Her brother went to school and was going to beat them up, although she tried to stop him...
She told me that almost all of the guys were crying and hiding. "It serves them right" is what my other friend told me.
It grew into such a big thing. Her brother went to our classroom and all the pupils in our class got locked up in the classroom by teachers. Her brother told the teachers to back off or else he'd hit them too. All of the teachers except for one of them took one step backwards... well, her brother got reported to the cops and so did the guys who hit my childhood friend and took her money. But... nothing happened to the guys. Her brother was the only one who got a punishment... but in the end she got all of her money back... and now... if someone does something to her they'll always tease her with "What? Are you going to get your brother to hit us now too??? You fuckn' coward."

They don't understand what they're doing... they don't understand that they're ruining a life... sometimes she's having suicidal thoughts, but she keeps quiet. She cries in secrecy... she's only talked to me about it, but I can't do anything... I'm really hoping of ending the 9th grade as fast as possible and get free from this heartless class.

I transferred back because I knew something was wrong... when I got back everything was over. But... what I don't understand is that... my other friend told me that her best memories were from 6th grade! I mean... what?!?? @__@ I can understand that she likes 'suspense' but... her friend was being bullied... hello? .__.
but... she told me "I was being a gangster. All the guys were afraid of me. I protected her."
But my childhood friend was like... "What? 'protected me' MY ASS!"

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