Thursday, October 4, 2012


Yesterday I went to sleep earlier than I use to... so I was quite happy since I thought I'd be able to get a lot of sleep... but... no, it didn't work that way... Unfortunately I ate something that my body couldn't "tolerate" so I got those red spots on my body... Well... my body was itching pretty badly so I had to scratch my arms and legs... When I looked at the clock it was already 1.10am! I went to bed about 10.30pm. I know I didn't fall asleep and wake up again because I wasn't sleepy at all... so I thought for myself:
"Did I really sleep....? Did I dream about something...? I didn't... I'm sure I didn't *blinks* I'm not sleepy either... so I couldn't have slept... does this mean I was scratching for hours?!?!? I'm so stupid, SO STUPID!!!! It doesn't feel as if I've slept TT^TT" *closes eyes* "Please fall asleep now... ;__;"
-But I didn't. It started to itch again... so I scratched, scratched and scratched... when I looked at the clock again it was 1.55am... I was like "Oh God, I'll only get 5 hours of sleep if I fall asleep right now... My hours of sleep can't get lesser... please... fall asleep... Q__Q"
I was still not unconscious... looking at the clock again it was over 2am.... so I thought of the last possible way to be able to fall asleep: to cry. You know... when the tears have gone dry it will kind of close your eyes for you and you will get a bit sleepy... so I opened up my music player to listen to depressing emo songs. It didn't work... because I wasn't in the mood to cry... so I listened to his words and forced myself to cry. It worked. My tears fell like rain... and it helped me to close my eyes... but it wasn't enough... so I cried even more... but I didn't fall asleep! I got angry so I closed the music player and thought for myself that I was a retard. -.-
HOW HARD IS IT FOR ME TO FALL ASLEEP?!?!? Everyone else had already slept... ;__;
Well... somewhere between 2.00-3.00am I fell asleep... AND WOKE UP AT 7.00am. e__e
I'm soooo tired right now... I almost couldn't go through the day....
Grrr `o´
I thought I'd at least get a little sleep during the breaks. I asked my childhood friend if she could wake me up when it was time for a lesson.. and she said it was okay, that she would... but when I closed my eyes and leaned on the wall she was kind of shaking her laptop screen and shouted "Ruzana! Ruzana! Look at this!!!"
I thought: "I'll pretend I didn't hear that... I mean... she knows I need to sleep... right...? @_@"
She kept on shouting "Ruzana!!! Helllooooo?!?!?"
Me: Mhmmm.... -.-
Her: Please watch this!!!
Me: Huuhuu TT^TT Let me sleep, please....
Me: My head.... hurts.... *murmur murmur*
Her: Oh please! It's only for a few seconds!
Me: NO!
Her: Fine, be like that.... ò3ó
Me: .....
Teacher opens the door... time for lesson...
Me: seriously.... =.=

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