Thursday, October 18, 2012


Alright.. I didn't write about this yesterday because I was SO tired. -_-
Yesterday when the Thai lesson finished I met a classmate(that dude who hated me) on my way home. So.. I  wasn't thinking of saying "hi", or anything at all, and just walked right pass him. It looked as if he was in a hurry.
Him: Hello! *runs* (alright... looks as if I have to say "hi")
Me: Uh.. hi... so, what are you doing here? (still at school)
Him: huh? *runs*
Me: WHAT. ARE. YOU.... doing here?
Him: Oh.. *stops* Someone -huff, huff- is -huff- trying to steal my bike! <:D
Me: REALLY?!?!?
Him: Yes!! I saw him trying to steal it... so I'm about to go get someone to help me right now! <:3
Me: Hah... alright. *walks away*
Him: *runs* SEE YA!
Me: yeah...
So today when school ended and we were about to go home:
Him: *walks over to me and Erin* Has she told you of what happened yesterday? Hahah @_@
Erin: What?
Me: No... (why would I? LOL, it's not a "must know")
Him: I met her at the schoolyard yesterday. And she asked me what I was doing there, and I was like... "I'm in a hurry, like... don't bother me!" (Really -.- you said that eh?) I saw a huuuuuge guy trying to destroy my lock to get my bike... so I wanted to go get some help...(LOL, so you were afraid?) I ran over to the other side of school to call my friend... and when I came back the lock got messed up!
Erin: HAHAHAHAHHAHHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHHAHAHHAH (it's not that funny is it?) really?!?!??!? Someone tried to steal your bike????? HAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAH
Him: Yes!! You should see the lock!! I gotta go now.
Her: Omg, hahahhahah, really?!?!?
Him: Yeah! :D See ya! *gone*
Me: .__.
Hahah, why was he happy? Probably because he thought it was funny. >.>

There was no P.E today since there was no substitute teacher. (mwahahahah)
So.. me and Erin played wanna-be-basketball beside school. x3
Sarah wasn't with us because she had a cold @.@

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