Friday, October 26, 2012

My luck is crashing

Remember when I said I was so lucky waaay before??
Well.. that luck is CRASHING. I mean... yesterday I thought I finished with the movie editing... but the laptop was lagging all the time... so the program just closed itself and I had to re-do it all over again like 3973987590 times. I was pretty pissed... I didn't take a shower yesterday like I said I was going to.. so... I kind of... lied? (NO I DIDN'T LIE. I JUST DIDN'T KNOW THE PLANS WERE GOING TO CHANGE!) Well, well.... so I stayed up and almost pulled an all-nighter. The movie got finished around 11.50 pm. o3o and.... then the uploading-video-to-send-to-someone started.... I had to send it to Sarah before today(friday ._.) because I was going to take a day off school today. (for some reasons..) Anyways... I HAD TO SEND IT AS FAST AS POSSIBLE (BEFORE IT WAS FRIDAY) BECAUSE I WASN'T GOING TO HAVE TIME TO SEND IT TO HER BEFORE THE "FILM-SHOWING-SESSION" AT SCHOOL. (I had to wake up at 6.00am to go somewhere at 7.00am and stay there until 10am)

So here it goes:
I tried to send it to Sarah and a teacher to get to the 'safe side'. That went on until 12pm... and unfortunately.... the video uploading had to load FOREVER!!!! So.. I sat there waiting for it to finish loading... I couldn't go sleep at the time because the laptop would automatically 'switch off'... or... probably: I was too stupid to think of that because I was TOO SLEEPY TO THINK LIKE A NORMAL PERSON. You know... my brain 'wore off'.... Anyways... so I sat there glaring at the 'loading...' thing.... but then I was soooo bored and sleepy... so I just had.... to move the 'mouse'... (it's not called "mouse" on a laptop, now, does it? -.-) Since I was sleepy and my eyes were hurting I started to sweat... -.- My fingertips were sweating @.@ so... I ACCIDENTLY CLICKED ON SOMETHING WHICH CAUSED THE "LOADING" TO GET INTERRUPTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL, THAT... WAS THE WORST FEELING EVER!!!!! I JUST WANTED TO THROW MY LAPTOP INTO THE WALL AND SEE IT CRASH ON THE FLOOR AND THEN LAUGH AT IT!!!!!!! SERIOUSLY!!!! SO I HAD TO RE-UPLOAD IT AGAIN!!!! WHICH TOOK ANOTHER 38728395094285 MINUTES!!!! SUDDENLY IT WAS 12.46pm.... and... I just couldn't take it anymore!!! so.. I tried to fix the settings for the laptop so that it wouldn't switch off.... and.... went to sleep at 1pm. ò.ó I couldn't fall asleep... because I was thinking non-stop about how much I hated that situation and how small amount of sleep I would get.... ANYWAYS. I let it load during my sleep...

so when I woke up again at 6am I saw it got finished!!!! so I sent it!
BUT THEN I GOT THE MESSAGE FROM SARAH SAYING "I'm not sure if they're going to show our movie on the session today... since they're going to vote..." so.. I'M LIKE... DIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! DID I DO ALL OF THIS FOR NOTHING!??!?!?!?!??!??!?!? I COULD'VE JUST SENT IT TODAY AFTER THE SESSION INSTEAD!!!! THEN I SHOULD'VE GOTTEN TO SLEEP AROUND 10pm-11pm AND GOTTEN SO MUCH MORE SLEEP INSTEAD!!!!! I'm so pissed....

and.... today... my mom cried.... could the day get any worse!??!?!?!? I had to comfort her and hug her.. I cried automatically with her... but she's okay now, because we (me, my younger brother and my older sister) fixed it. (she had a fight with dad ...)

but.. guess what?? YES, THE DAY GOT WORSE... because I lost my mobile pendant that my lil' cousin gave to me.... it was a pendat that her friend (a guy) found on the ground and then gave it to her... and she gave it to me... which means it has a lot of "former owners".... It's special to me because she gave it to me!!!!! and.... it was in my favorite colors too....... (it was small electric guitar in black n red) I asked her why she wanted to give it to me since she got it by him. So she told me it was okay, since he wasn't going to remember that he gave it to her anyways. LOL. It was cute though... >.<

WHY IS THE WORLD SO CRUEL TO ME?!?!?!??! No... wait... I'm the one being cruel to myself... =  =

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