Saturday, October 13, 2012

I don't know....

I just came home from KodachiKun. Well, kind of... @_@
I was at KodachiKun today... I finished my mask yesterday, so I was cosplaying Gin, yes ^ ^ But it was a fail because I didn't have the same outfit as him, HAHAH.
LOL the wig was a TOTAL fail. >  <
I know it looks amateur-atic, but that's just because I'm a beginner >  < The photos are so blurry Q_Q and... YES, I took these in the bathroom... o3o 
PS. The scarf shouldn't be there... but it was sooo cold... ò3ó

So uhhrm... I went there with Erin and Sarah.. but well.. Erin invited that girl who she really liked.. so that girl came along too.... without me and Sarah knowing until the last second... ;__; We got pretty upset since we thought Erin would talk shit about the other cosplayers with her (that girl)... which Erin did... @__@ Those two were with each other, and Sarah went chasing after someone... so I was kind of 'alone' .UGH, let's just not care about that because it'll be too hard to explain!!!! >.< It was boring... nothing to do... so I just drawed something random which I eventually gave to Erin. -.-
I had to wake up at 7am and be ready because Sarah said I had to... -.-
That's because she was hyped up, so I can't blame her, hahah.. (although we could've slept a bit longer >  <)

The only thing I bought was a bookmark... o3o and then... I also got a free book.
Sooo interesting  .__.

I told my dad I was going to be at the Kodachi until 6pm since my other friend wanted us to stay there until it closed.... but I thought it was too boring you know... ;__;
Well, Erin and that girl had to go at 3 o' clock so... I went with them. But those two were supposed to hang out so we seperated. We had already rode one bus, so I rode yet another bus (alone) to get home. But I didn't want to go home... I felt depressed for no reason... so I thought for myself "I wish I could stay on this bus until it's run a few roùnds.... then I would be able to think... but... are you really allowed to stay on a bus that long? ugh... I'm getting off -.-" so.. I got off... but I didn't go home. I decided to take a walk by myself thinking of stuff instead... (I feel sorry that I left Sarah right now ._.)
I went to a small store to buy soda... ._. and during that time... I texted with my third friend, let's call her Isa o3o ...and told her that I felt depressed for no reason.... (stupid >  <)
and then I went to a lawn and sat there.
It felt good, but depressing at the same time ;__; I just wanted to hit myself because I felt that way... I wanted to cry... but there was no reason to cry...
so I sat there... and admired the nature... it looked so lonely, just like me -.-
Isa texted me asking me what I was doing..
I texted her saying I didn't want to go back home and that I was sitting by myself on the lawn thinking...
So she texted me saying "-.- .... get yo ass over to me right now!" Lol, I went there and poured out all of my problems to her. @__@ Hahah.. I bet I was annoying >  < But she really helped me to get over that stupid depression... so I'm really thankful to her right now ^ ^
I stayed there until 6pm (my dad thought I was at the Kodachi the whole day until 6pm) >  <
LOL, so right now... I'm feeling guilty... great huh?

My 'typing' today seems very confusing... ;__; but... I'm a bit tired right now... and now I'm also feeling depressed... ò3ó

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