Monday, October 1, 2012

If you guys only knew

If you guys only knew,
you're making the hard times so easy to go through
Even though it's embarrassing,
I just wanna give you a hug right out of the blue
You're the best friends ever,
from my point of view
If I hadn't met you I'd be totally lost
Off searching for places I'd be accepted,
sighing from exhaust...
When I get depressed the only ones there cheering me up is you
Why I love you?
Probably because my heart tells me I'm supposed to...? ♥

I really love them... I'm honest, I would never backstab them, ever. In some moments they do some 'bad' things, but people makes mistakes right? I wish it was easy to stay together forever, but it's not... We try to stick together but some way or another we're just gonna have to part. I'm that sort of person who gets out of contact easily once we go our seperate ways. . . I'm not good in keeping contact... I wish I was... but I'm the type to cut all ties once we're done. I'm terrible. *sob, sob*
I wish they could have a better friend than me. For me, they're the best friends I've ever had, although they can be a bit posessive sometimes... but they're the ones who cares about me the most!
They've been needing me.. and I've been needing them...

It feels as if my childhood friend (the one in pink) is starting to distance herself because she found a new friend, and I'm happy for her. I'd never get jealous of them getting other friends. But... I can't help but feeling a bit lonely. ^ ^'
I really love those human beings and I always will~
Sorry for my ugly dry hand, LOL  >.<
(it's the one with the black thingy)

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