Tuesday, June 11, 2013


A lot of things has happened lately... First of all I had to return school's laptop, that I borrowed for 3 years, yesterday. It took me a while to figure out how to blog using my phone *cough*

Anyways... Yesterday wasn't a regular day. We had P.E in the morning and we were practising on this game that's quite similar to baseball. (Every year, the nith graders have to compete against the teachers in this game. The teachers had always won, except for that one game 7 years ago) Our class wanted to win so badly, so they had pretty high confidence that they'd win. So so, yesterday we were practising for that. They were mean to us girls of course... one of those guys came up to us and said "you have to try your best 200%". Of course it wasn't that mean. But then this other guy came and said "No, you know what? You don't have to try because you don't even have to join the game with us". And then, yet, another guy came to us and said "with your hits on that ball... we're just going to lose". So I'm like "We don't want to play with you anyway. So please don't try to talk to us about it." And my friend also said the same thing... I just don't get it... this is the last game we'll play together so why do they have to go as far as trying to get rid of the "bad ones" in our class, just to win?!?!?

Anyways.... I pretty much lost ny motivation to even make any effort. I didn't feel like playing..
     The game was today. We were forced to play. When we were waiting for the teachers to arrive, the boys and the girls were sitting on each bench... Suddenly one of them came to the girls and said "come with us". We asked "why?". Then he said "Because we're a class". So me and my one friend were thinking " Since when?!?!? Did you guys realize that just now??" -.- oh well.
     We won. It's a miracle. We're the second class who'd won against the teachers. I was pretty surprised. I never thought we'd win. But still, I didn't do much anyway, so I wouldn't say that "we" won. Morw like "they" won xD (Congratulations. I was happy for them o_o)

Anyways... when we came home after school, we had to go back there again at 6pm to have a dinner all together. Both teachers and our class. During our dinner, everyone in our class were going to hold a speech since we all had prepared a speech for a specific classmate. The teachers were the one who chose the person we were going to make the speech for.
     I prepared the speech about my friend and when I was going to make the speech my head just turned all BLANK. I couldn't remember the speech, and unike the others, I didn't have the speech in front of me on a paper............ it was sooooo scary.... but I managed to make it "unoticable" that I left some parts out... I was pretty disappointed though. But it's k...
     So...... a problem occured. That person, who both of my friends had a crush on, made the speech for me. ..... He said nice things like "you're a really good friend, you help everyone with their homework, etc".. And then he said "I remember when we were in 5th grade. I asked you to be my girlfriend and you said 'no'. I knew you would because I never expected anything but a 'no'. I mean, who can win the heart of a cutie like you?". OMG. I definitely thought he had forgotten that. We were 11... I looked at my one friend and she had this hurt look on her face while everyone else was laughing their asses off.............. After that speech we never talked about it ever again. I hope she's okay........

(I'm sorry for typos, if I have any... I haven't gotten used to type on this phone yet)

1 comment:

MiNapi said...

That sucks... I hope you'll be able to get your own computer soon. It really is an awesome thing to own a computer. I got a laptop first and eventually found out that a desktop is waaaay better (for memory purposes).

Congrats on winning! It seems like those guys were being overly competitive and came off as jerks because of it. I really don't understand the extremely competitive nature of sports... Mostly because I don't like sports but anyway! lol I always think of it as that I just want to have fun.

That's interesting that your classes compete against teachers. I remember back when I was in school and we never had to compete in sports against teachers. It was always students against students and if anything, a single teacher might be part of one team.

It's awesome that you got out of that 'blank-attack'! xD I find that impressive because when I draw a blank during speeches, I usually mumble nonsense or just not say anything at all until I get back my train of thought.

That's really cute of him but did he seriously give his confession speech in front of the entire class? Omg, if I were you, I'd be so embarrassed! ">.<"

Your friend will get over it. It's not your fault he likes you! x3

I should try blogging on my phone. I'm so out of it.