Thursday, June 13, 2013

Yesterday & today (12-13/6)

Hi. I'm blogging from my phone again. I haven't really had much :(

Well. Yesterday was the very last day of school... everyone was assembled and all of the 9th graders had to be in the spotlight. I and one of my classmate held the speech. We were so nervous ;_; But it went well! We got our grades and hugged every teacher who'd had us during our years at that school. Along with the grades, we also got a rose. (I taped it on my wardrobe becausw I want to save it ><)

I don't know why but... some of those giys actually came up to me and my friends for a "goodbye hug" which was cute. But damn it. Those hugs made me realize I was going to miss them all.... despite the terrible things that had happened. So, yeah. I miss them right now. I'm kinda sad... But I'm also glad that all of that is over... ;_;
     This is such a strange feeling.

Anyways.... I've been to town several times to buy some important stuff since we're going to Thailand tomorrow. We've just packed... and I'm off to bed soon >_<

I'm going to take one month of break from blogging from tomorrow on, since I won't be having any acsess to internet unless I go to a computer store(or getting a new SIMcard) I'm going to take lots of photos (as usual) ^^

I wish you all a great summer! xD
See you when I get home~
(PS. It's too bad I can't move the photos in this post, from my phone ;_;)

1 comment:

MiNapi said...

That's really sweet. I think it's good that you have mixed feelings about ending that class because it means you don't hold any ill feelings against anyone. That shows you'll be able to move on.

The rose pictures were a nice touch. It feels like it's symbolizing something..

I also like your anime/manga pictures! Is that your artwork?

Aw, that's too bad, I'll miss your blogs! D:
But how lucky! You get to travel right away. I'm still making my travel plans. I hope you blog about your trip to Thailand! I've never been there myself so I'm curious to what it's really like there.

Have a fun and safe trip! ^^