Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Thank you

Hi! :)
I've just finished writing the speech for the "speech day". It feels kind of relaxing now that all the homework is gone(the only thing I've got left is to practise on the speech).

I've honestly been feeling a lot better because of the support I get from you guys. ^_^ I think things have calmed down quite a bit. They were still talking shit about me, but they weren't as "screamy" today like they were yesterday. I got some bad comments from them here and there, but it's more like I just happened to hear it as usual. One of them said something about wishing that I got an F or an E so that I could know how it felt for them. So.... when I went to my seat, someone had scribbled some F's on it with a big circle around them. Why did they even waste their time on something like that?

When the ending is near and they get to know about their grades and stuff, they always get so angry and dissatisfied. What you guys have told me have actually made me think about it more "seriously" if you put it that way. They're just making me feel bad and insecure because they're feeling insecure themselves, right? There's only a week left until our class say "goodbye" to each other, aaand I've been waiting for that day to come for a very loooong time >.<

~~~~I'm happier now :3
It feels like my chest has lightened up (I don't even know if I'm using the right words right now). But, really, thank you. It feels like a "thank you" isn't enough... Having a blog and all of that was actually a way for me to be honest with both myself and people who read it. But... I didn't think anyone would come across this, so all of your first comments made my heart beat rapidly out of fear, but also out of excitement xD
~~I wish you all the best. You are wonderful people ^-^ I don't know if you'll stay to read my blog or not, but if you do then I'm looking forward to see you here again sometime :3

Goodnight ^_^


MiNapi said...

I've found that I really like the feeling that comes from your blog and I have a lot of fun reading it!

LOL, funny thing I just thought of as a comeback even though you shouldn't necessarily say it.. Anyway, if whatever person tells you they wish you got an F so you know how they felt, you could tell them that you'll never know how they felt because you're not an idiot. Burrrn! lol I'm happy for you that you survived their torments and it will soon be over. You'll be so much stronger after this experience.

I'm glad you feel happier now! You know, whenever I feel bad, I just write in my blog and somehow it's like my negative feelings leave my mind while I write about it. That's one of the reasons why I love having a blog because it's sort of like a diary that lets others know about your experiences. It's a truly beautiful thing. ^__^

hershoutouts said...

Really? xD Thank you~

Hahah x'3 That's a good comeback. But, if I were to say it it would be a bit too mean XD Just being able to think like that is satisfying enough, haha Dx
Thank you :D I hope so! ^___^

Yeah, I totally agree! :) It's great to have a place where you can let go of all the negatives. It feels kind of refreshing, doesn't it? ^_^