Thursday, March 2, 2017

Such an eventful day. We fell twice XD

I went ice skating with my class today during P.E class and we played some sort of tag. As me and Agnes stood there and recovered from having gotten caught earlier, one of the taggers came at our direction and was about to catch us again. My intuition was to flee with Agnes, so I tried to skate away as the tagger approached us. The fear was so intense that everything went wrong and wobbly when we tried to get away. When the tagger reached for me with her arm, I fell on the ice so hard after attempting to avoid her, head and butt down, and so did Agnes because I kinda dragged her down with me LOL. She fell right on my knee with her body as she was thinking "OH SHIT NO" because she realized she'd be squashing my knee but couldn't do anything about it. Her body put pressure on my knee and I HEARD A CRACK as my whole leg went weak. I can't remember if the tagger fell with us but I think she did and got up again shortly after to try to help me up. When I was helped up I couldn't help but fall down again since my leg were numb and a bit unstable. It was scary but I'm ok. It was just so funny how Agnes tried so hard not to land on my knee but failed. Our teacher noticed our dramatic fall and came to ask us if we were okay and I said I was okay although my knee cracked, it was fortunate I didn't break it XD After P.E class, we cycled back to school. Agnes cycled with Teresa sitting behind her on the bike and I cycled carrying only myself and our bags and backpacks. We cycled beside each other, but obviously not too close. So when we came to this "crossover", with lack of communication, we clashed with each other because I thought we'd turn left while Agnes thought we'd continue straight and then turn left. Before it went dramatic, from Teresa's point of view, we looked stupid because she saw how we slowly got closer and closer. She freaked out in her head thinking "AREN'T THEY GETTING TOO CLOSE WTF" but couldn't say anything because everything went so fast (obviously we had a talk about how it went afterwards to admire our stupidity). When we made our turns, our bike handles kind of got stuck to each other since they were in such good positions to fit in with one another and get locked together (IF THAT MAKES SENSE). So once our bike handles got in contact, it was too late to get out of it. I remember how much we struggled to get loose but it just went worse and we both started losing our balance. I lost balance first and fell down dragging both Agnes and Teresa down as well since our bikes basically became one. All three of us fell, with me at the bottom. One of my hands got squashed because it took most of the fall in order to protect my body (out of reflex), Agnes' knee got scraped like a bish, and Teresa's leg got in between our bikes and got squashed as well. Apparently Teresa hurt her chin too (it went red-purplish) LOL dunno how that happened :( It obviously hurt but we laughed so hard at how silly we were to the point where one of our teachers (whom we came across) actually thought we were the happiest we could ever be, when in fact we were quite traumatized by the event :')) We couldn't stop laughing. We probably looked as if we were on cloud nine from outsiders' point of view. I've realized that whenever something horrible happens and you're with your friends, no matter how dramatic it gets, you always laugh afterwards. I don't know, maybe it's just me? Cause I've fallen by myself plenty of times before but I've never looked at it as a positive experience like I do on this one, if that makes sense. As weird as this sounds, I'm actually quite happy this happened since it was quite a fun experience. We had a few more injuries by the way, but I decided just to mention the most "severe" ones XD When I first had a look at my hand, it was quite scary because the whole thing looked inflamed. A bit further up on my hand there was signs of inner bleeding. The blood kind of bubbled up beneath the skin making it look as if a purple/blue caterpillar was stuck under my skin. After a while I showed Agnes my hand while Teresa went to the bathroom and said "look Agnes! It looks better now" and got no reply. SHE WENT QUIET AT FIRST AND THEN SHE WENT "UHHH... well.. someone's a bit positive" LOL. I needed to include a post about this because it's a moment I want to look back at. Aaaaah, I really miss making posts on here, I feel like I should do it more often ;-;

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