Saturday, November 1, 2014

Update on the meeting

Since we're having a one week vacation right now, I think I feel a little bit better. The thoughts keep haunting me though. I'm scared of going back. I don't want to go back. I haven't really been sleeping that well lately. It's always been late nights and early mornings. I thought of going to bed earlier today but I can't fall asleep. It feels like the days will end a lot quicker if I go to bed earlier.. and I just don't want to be a few steps closer to the end of vacation ;___;;

I went to see the woman from the organisation this Tuesday... and she never mentioned anything about the medications so I don't really think I'll have to take any meds. I'm a bit relieved but.. she never mentioned anything about the physiotherapist that the doctor told me to think about either. She actually never mentioned anything related to the discussion that me and the doctor had had the week before. The doctor said we might have to meet a second time, but that wasn't mentioned either. It doesn't feel like this is going anywhere. I don't feel like we're making any progress at all. It feels like we talk about the same things over and over again... and it feels like she's repeating the things she says. I mean... whenever I tell her something, it's like I can predict the things she's about to say because she says the same thing most of the time. Even though this is just supposed to be a "short time contact" I've been seeing her for about 4-5 times now. Even though I've been seeing her so many times, and even though I've met the doctor she wanted me to meet, she's still stuck in the "what should we do to help you? phase". Is this never ending? I'm seeing her again next Tuesday but I don't want to...and I don't want to be rude ;_;; She's a nice person and all, but I don't feel like our meetings help me in any way at all because things just keep repeating itself... Honestly, if nothing's going to be done, I'd rather continue seeing the school counselor because I always feel better everytime I speak to her. She said we weren't going to see each other that much anymore since I'm getting help elsewhere now and she doesn't want to exhaust me with too many questions. I'm scared she'll just let me go :(

I'm just scared of a lot of things right now, I can't help it ;-;

-I'm sorry that I complain a lot.. :{

Wednesday, October 29, 2014


There aren't many things I regret doing but there are a lot of things I regret I hadn't done during my first year of high school. Apart from the greetings, there was also one tiny thing that made me feel relieved and not entirely alone.

In this class there was this one guy who would always be by himself. He never talked to anyone unless we were put in groups and he had to. I actually met him before I even began in this class. I saw him once when I was still taking the technology sciences courses. Back then, I had chosen Japanese as an extra class. He was going to be in the same Japanese class as me since I saw him sitting in front of the classroom when I was waiting for class to start. He had glasses, short brown hair (I think) and IDK, I was just curious about him. He sat with his head down and played with his backpack straps. It reminded me a lot of myself whenever I refrained to pick up my phone to decrease awkwardness. I wanted to get to know him better since I was curious as to what he was like when he hung out with his friends. He seemed a lot like the quiet type (Sorry for judging). Unfortunately, that day, all the language classes were cancelled... so we went there without cause. I didn't get to know his name and I was sad because I thought I was never going to. Fortunately when I began in a new class, changed courses etc, I ended up in the same class as him! I was relieved because I saw a familiar face and I was happy that I got to meet him again. I would always sit behind him in class. I wanted to start talking to him but it was really difficult because he was always busy reading news papers and books and I didn't want to bother him. I had been wanting to sit beside him in class too, and not just behind him, but I never managed to because I was just that much of a coward ^^

Whenever we waited for class, he would always sit alone. I feel like a bad person now but I was actually relieved that I wasn't the only one who was alone... so I would always go and sit with him. (warning; creeper). I always imagined how our conversations would be but I never ever ever managed to actually make those conversations with him. What made me happy was that whenever we had to work in pairs, I always ended up with him because no one else really wanted to be with any of us. I actually got to talk to him! I enjoyed it a lot. Sometimes there would be awkward moments but I would just laugh it off and then he would laugh with me. One thing that surprised me was that he could talk, talk and talk forever about subjects he felt passionate about. He was actually the one making the discussions flow. He just kept talking and talking, and then he apologised for talking too much too xD I would always say it was fine and that I enjoy listening to him, so he would go on and on and on. Of course, he gave me a couple of times to say my own opinions too, but then I would ask him a question and then he would start talking endlessely again. I was so happy when we had our discussions because he seemed to enjoy them too. I was happy that I got to see a side of him that no one else probably knew of. He smiled!!! and laughed!! with me! >< Mind you, he rarely did that. He even suggested me to watch two movies xD

My favorite moment with him was during Swedish class when we had to work in pairs to translate and summarize The Myth of Narcissus. Since it was the last class of the day, we were the only ones left in the classroom since everyone else wanted to go home once class ended. We weren't finished with our work yet so we decided to stay. The teacher was like "You two are such hardworking students! You can stay here as long as you like. I'll be in my office, so if you need help with anything just knock on my door. Don't forget to close the doors once you're done" *walks away* So yeah, we were left alone. It was just the two of us. When we had to come up with synonyms and stuff, he would croon and do a bit of drumming with his fingers on the table xD It was so cute akdjdgfuhdjs. Whenever I came with suggestions he would always say "Oh! yeah, yeah :o I never thought of that. That's genius!" and then he would say I was smart even though that's not true at all, and he would also say that he wouldn't have been able to do the work as well if we hadn't worked together. Omg, he made me smile so much. I told him that wasn't true at all and that he was smart as well, but he was like "no....... xD you're the one coming up with the great ideas I never even thought of". So I said ".... no, I think you're smart too ok." so it ended like that X3 and.. once we were done, which was around 4-5pm, I tried to small talk a bit with him, asking him if he took japanese classes (even though I already knew he took them *cough* I know, I know.....). He said yessss and then I asked him a few questions about his interests, where he lived and such.. and when we were done packing we kinda went back and forth being all awkward, asking each other which way we were going to take, saying it was okay not to walk the same way. But then I made up my mind and took the same way he took, but then we had to separate once we got out of the building. >< We said bye to each other and then I smiled, inside, all the way back home.

I always wondered where he went whenever we had lunch. I always wondered if he even had lunch.. I always worried about him whenever he didn't show up. Did he get sick? Is he doing alright? And the most common questions I asked myself was "Doesn't he feel lonely sometimes? Does he have any close friends he can be himself with? Does he want to be alone or does he have similar problems as me regarding the social aspects? Would it be annoying if I tried to befriend him? Would it be okay if I started talking to him a bit more, and not just during the times we had to work in pairs? Would it be okay to ask him if we could be friends? Would it be okay to sit beside him in class? Or would I be intruding his personal space if I did that?". To be honest, I really wanted to be the first one he decided to open himself up to. I wanted to be the first one he showed his true self to. I didn't want anyone else to take that opportunity away from me. I secretly wished for him to be alone until I had the guts to make friends with him. I felt like a really bad person for being sad whenever he was put with someone else during those "working in pairs moments". I hated myself for being sad whenever it seemed like he was having fun when he was talking to someone else. I would always find myself looking at him during class. alksjghfudidifhugf, I don't know why. I was just so curious about him. I wanted to know more. I would get upset whenever someone said bad things about him or laugh at him.

Whenever the teacher said something important to us that needed to be conveyed to the other students, they would convey it in our fb group. I noticed he wasn't in the group, and I feared no one else would tell him anything about it. So I started to write messages to him through the webpage, for school purposes, to inform him about stuff. >< He never replied to them so I felt like a bother.. but then he would act normal when we were put to work together so.. idk :I

I would dream about him sometimes, and in those dreams I was able to talk to him loads and loads. He talked to me a lot too.. we were always really close friends in those dreams. I would even go to his house to visit him and stuff. kasfjghfudjkf, it was so heartbreaking whenever I woke up >:I

When we took our first class photo together, he wasn't there. The photographer asked if everyone had showed up and they said yes. I was so sad that no one said "xxxx isn't here. Let's wait for him". But I guess they made the right choice to just take the class photo without him... since he never showed up...

One day I realised he stopped coming to school. I wondered what had happened to him. I was worried about him because....he just disappeared for weeks. It was towards the end of the second semester of the first high school year so I started wondering if he was even going to come back. I feared he had changed courses/school but then I set that thought aside. 

When my second year of high school began, we got the news that he had changed both courses and school. I got so devastated. He's gone now and I'm never going to be able to see him anymore. I regret that I never managed to befriend him. I regret that I only sat beside him whenever we were waiting for class to start, but never actually talked to him. I regret that I never took the chance to sit beside him in class. I regret that I never asked him the things I wanted to ask. I regret that I was never able to make him feel like he mattered... because to me he mattered a lot. Just like the small greetings from my sister and her friends, he could brighten up my days as well.

Monday, October 27, 2014

89976546 hour long post

This whole situation about school hasn't gotten better since I've changed courses and school. I still feel really lonely, hopeless and worthless. Despite having a group of classmates to follow around, I feel excluded. I guess I should be happy that I'm at least not entirely alone. But I don't know... it just still feels like I'm non-existent and that I'm always the last choice. It makes me feel invisible and non-important. If I have to be honest, I would probably prefer to be alone for real, eat lunch alone and all that. Because now that I'm following this group of classmates around, I'm there but I'm still not there, if you know what I mean? I have the opportunity to get to know them better but nothing I do is right, and it makes me feel so shitty about myself. I don't even think I deserve to follow them around. I don't think I deserve to eat lunch with them or anything at all.. and I feel so sorry for the one who has to stick with me when the other ones of this group are busy doing something else, if that makes any sense at all.

Last year when I first began in this new class, I only was with this group when it was lunch time. In other cases I would mostly be by myself because I kinda stopped trying. I felt like they were better off without me. Everything would've been perfect if only I wasn't there. That's what I thought, and what I still think. I would keep my distance most of the time and just... I don't know... try not to bother them if it wasn't necessary.

I don't know when this was, but after a few weeks or a couple of months or so, the school nurse requested to see each one of us individually to check our health or something... When I arrived at her room/office, I sat down in front of her and she gave me a paper I had to fill in. I did that and then she started asking me questions such as which school I went to in primary etc. The reports she got from my primary school's school nurse said that I was sad the last time I went to see her... so... this current school nurse started coming with a bunch of depressing questions I felt forced to answer... so I started crying... but yeah, I had to tell her about how I was feeling.. because...I don't know... her eyes kinda pierced through me. It felt so uncomfortable I just wanted to get it over with and get out of there. But no, it didn't end like that. She wanted to see me a couple of more times because apparently she was worried about me and had assumptions about me having depression. One of her questions revolved around suicide, and yes, I've thought about suicide a couple of times before. But I didn't really plan anything, I just fantasized about it. After having talked to the school nurse about all that stuff she had to check my weight, and since my weight was really light, she started assuming I had aneroxia. She asked me if I ate anything at all etc etc etc. I said I didn't really eat that much since I haven't had any appetite.. so she asked me why. I repeated "because I haven't had any appetite." She asked me why, again. So I said it was because whenever I ate something, it felt like I was going to throw up since I just didn't have any appetite. So she made the assumption that I make myself throw up >:( I got so upset because she just kept assuming things all the time. It was as if she was trying to diagnose me with something. It felt really really uncomfortable. And then she wanted me to meet a doctor to take blood tests and have my height checked. And then... she wanted to contact my parents and let them know about my situation and all that. It was seriously the worst moment of my life.

When my parents found out, my mom would come knocking on my door, forcing me to talk to her about it and when I didn't, she would start crying while repeatedly saying "There's no one else who is as good to you as I am. There's no one in this world who cares about you more than I do. So why did you have to tell others about this? Why didn't you come to me? Am I not good enough of a mother to you? Why do you have to feel that way? There are many others who have it worse than you. You shouldn't be feeling that way. God gave you life and you should be thankful for it. You have a family who loves you, friends who love you, you're surrounded with people who loves you, so why are you feeling lonely? You have a great life with food, money and a place to stay. You have God. You shouldn't be feeling that way. Is it my fault? What did I do wrong?" And I would just sit at the door preventing her to come in. After a few more knocks from my mom, my dad would tell her to go elsewhere and knock on my door himself, asking me to open it for him. I would just ignore it completely.. and then he would say "Why are you doing this? You made your mother cry. Can't you just come out of your room and have a talk with her?" When I didn't reply he would go away and then come back again after a few minutes and do the same thing over and over again. My mom would just sit in the living room crying loudly and blame my dad for not having teached me properly about various of things. When they couldn't get me to talk to them, they would go to my sister and ask her to talk to me. She would tell them to leave me alone and let me go and talk to them myself when I felt like I was ready. I was really thankful to her for telling them that. But then that would always trigger a fight between her and my mother. My mother would blame my father and my sister for making me turn against her.

After a few days of all that, my sister came into my room and asked me if I wanted to talk to her. I said no, so she said I could come and talk to her whenever, and then she went away. But... then she came back again. Asking me to talk to her, telling me that she understands the way I feel since she'd been in the same situation as me. I didn't reply so she said "I always tell you everything.. so why can't you do the same? Aren't we sisters..?" and started to cry. I thought she was faking it so I ignored her a bit longer... but then I noticed it was real. So I started crying too, but I didn't say anything. So she came and sat on my bed and started telling me about things that she's been through during the days she studied in Thailand, to make me open myself up to her. It made me cry even more, and when she was done she asked me what was wrong and that I could tell her the things I was ready to tell. I started telling her about school and about the lonely feeling I had, but I never told her about my suicidal thoughts since it wasn't that bad yet. I wouldn't tell her about it even if it was bad because it's just... akjdhfygudhsj.

After a few more "drama days", thankfully, my mom calmed herself down. The school nurse wanted me to go to an organisation called BUP to seek help regarding my situation, but I couldn't go there by myself since I wasn't 18 yet. My parents had to come along. When we met the person we were going to talk to, she asked me various of questions about school and about my situation at home. My parents would come up with things as "we usually sit together in the living room watching movies, laughing together and stuff" as if we were a happy go lucky family. When I said "I don't know. I usually sit in my room" they laughed. So I'm like "ok." Once we got out of there, my parents had the same thing said to me. That I shouldn't be feeling the way I felt. That there was no reason for me to be sad. They also convinced me to stop contacting this organisation because they didn't want me go around telling people I barely knew, about anything at all. They wanted it to be kept at home. They said things shouldn't be leaked to people who aren't involved.

When I went to see the school nurse again, I told her I stopped contacting BUP because it felt so uncomfortable to be there which was part of the reason. So.. she said I could go see the school counselor if I wanted to. My sister told me the same. She actually thought it would be better for me to see the school counselor than to go to BUP because she'd been seeing the school counselor herself and it really helped her. So yeah.. I went to see the school counselor two times during the second semester of my first year. I don't know what happened after that. I just felt like it was all too complicated. If only I hadn't talked to the school nurse, things wouldn't be so difficult. I would've just been able to go on with life like I'd always been. I gave up on seeking help because it just made things so much worse. Everytime I cycled to school I would consider cycling out on the road and let myself get hit by a car because I so badly wanted to escape school and everything else. I never did it though because I was too much of a chicken. I'd start thinking of how disappointed my parents would be. I'd think of the consequences of the driver and all the fines my parents would probably have to pay because I recklessely cycled out on the road and damaged someone else's car, even though the lights were red. I don't know, I just don't want to cause other people misfortune. But if I was put in the situation that a car would drive in fast speed, when I happen to be on the road, I wouldn't really bother trying to get away. It would be fine if I got hit by it. It would be fine if I died. I wouldn't really care. Because it's not like anyone would be bothered by it anyway. I just hated school so much that I wished I would get into accidents so that I wouldn't have to go. Everyday I would feel the need to escape but I always tried to keep my calm and just go to school and let it go as it goes.

The only thing that would make my days was when my sister or her friend would poke me, while I was sitting by myself, and say hi and talk to me for a few seconds/minutes. Sometimes they would even do that when I was sitting with the others during lunch. It just made me really happy to know that they would always be there to cheer me up. I don't think they know how much that meant to me. But anyways. One day I noticed I stopped seeing my sister's friend around. I never saw her when we had lunch anymore. I stopped bumping into her. She just never showed up again, no pokes, no hugs, nothing. She disappeared. I sent her a message on snapchat asking her where she had disappeared to and why I never saw her around anymore, and I told her I missed her. She replied that she quit school because she had fallen into depression and was diagnosed with the obsessive compulsive disorder. I was shocked and sad that someone so great as her would have to suffer from all that. After having talked to her for a few times, I knew she was in a similar situation as me. I felt so hopeless because I didn't know what to do to make her feel at least a tiny bit better. From then on, I messaged her as often as I could, in hope of cheering her up. One day she told me that she was happy I was there to talk to when she didn't have anyone else. She told me she had lost a lot of friends because of the situation she was in and because she stopped using social medias. She said it was weird that I was willing to talk to her even though we weren't really that close (since she wasn't really my friend, but my sister's friend). She thanked me for having sticked up with her despite her being, what she calls it, 'annoying'. alkughheijdkfghfhisjk. Lastly, she said that she wanted to meet up with me and my sister once she starts to feel better enough to hang out ;___;;

Now that she wasn't at school anymore, I felt a tad bit sadder. But I still had my sister there and her other friend who would talk to me and wave to me as well. Though, all of that was gone once I began my second year of high school, since they graduated.

When all those little greetings were gone, I didn't have anything to look forward to anymore. I felt so sad I would sit in the classroom and almost cry when the teacher was going through some important stuff. My thoughts would be elsewhere even though my hand kept taking notes. I couldn't concentrate on the lectures, I was so busy trying to get my tears in check. When I wasn't able to do that, I would look down at my paper to prevent anyone from seeing how ready I was to cry, and when the lectures were over I would go to the bathroom and cry my heart out. I always brought my phone with me too, in case I needed to talk to someone. I sent a message to my sister once, during those "crying in the bathroom moments" and told her about how sad I felt. And how I couldn't stop the negative thoughts flowing in my head. She told me to contact the school counselor, but I couldn't do that since it was in the middle of class. I couldn't get out of the bathroom because I had loads of snot and tears on my face. I looked so ugly and you could clearly see I had cried even though I wiped it away with tissues. So I sat there in the bathroom with all those tears and snot for almost about half an hour before I felt like I was done with crying. I don't know if anyone else noticed I had cried, but I hope not. But anyways.. it was that day I decided to get in contact with the school counselor again, so I sent her a message saying I really needed to talk to her.

When I went to see the school counselor, I told her about how I couldn't eat because I had this uneasy feeling in my chest 99% of the time that made me feel like throwing up whenever I forced myself to eat. I told her about all my negative thoughts, about how lonely and worthless I felt, about how I haven't been able to study or do any homework at all because of my lack of concentration. She said she feared I might've fallen into depression but didn't want to assume anything because it could just be a temporary sad feeling as well. I was thankful for that, because I really didn't think nor want to feel like I've fallen into depression. I told her two exams were coming up but I hadn't studied for them at all. She said she could send my "teacher in charge" a message about my situation, and asked me if it was okay for her to do so. So I said she could, and she sent him the message. I felt a bit relieved, as if a huge weight was lifted off my chest. But I also felt like a bad person for making use of my situation to escape everything that I didn't want to face. I felt so guilty for having said it was okay for her to tell "the teacher in charge" about my situation.

When I met the "teacher in charge" the next day, he said he needed to talk to me so I stayed in the classroom when class ended and everyone else went to the next class. He volunteered to help me get on track again... I felt like I was a bad person for using him when I accepted his help. After that, we would have a meeting with just the two of us going through maths and physics to catch up, almost every Monday. I felt so guilty for taking away his time. I felt like I've been wasting so much of his efforts to help me because I still do really bad on the exams. Despite the help I've gotten, I still haven't gotten better at handling my studies. I'm disappointed in myself.

Somewhere in between all these events, in my second year of high school (this semester), I collected all the courage I had left to poke this one guy, who was in that group I was following around, and asked him if I could add him on snapchat. During that first year of high school, I've kinda been keeping my eye on him, trying to come up with with ways to talk to him etc. I know it's abnormal but I just wanted to talk to someone who seemed to have the same interests as me... ever since seeing Chopper from One Piece hanging on his backpack, I started feeling the need to get to know him but he was always out of reach. I wanted to be his friend. When I poked him, I felt so nervous I wanted to cry, but then he happily let me use his iPod to add me on his snapchat. I was so happy I managed to do it so... once I sat in the classroom while everyone else went out to take a break, I decided to take a picture of my eraser and send it to him with snapchat. But just as I was about to send it, I hesitated. What if he's going to think I'm annoying? So I sent the same snap I was going to send him to a bunch of other people too, to prevent myself from being sad if he didn't reply. Because it's not an important snap anyways, since it wasn't just for him. He took a screenshot of it. I was happy but I also doubted myself that I'd seen it correctly. Did he really just take a screenshot of my snap or did I imagine it myself?!? And then... he replied. With a snap he'd been scribbling happy faces on. I don't know if he knows, but it really made my day. One day during lunch, he didn't show up. One of the girls asked what happened to him and they wondered if he was sad or something.. since he didn't have lunch with us. And since me and him hadn't really talked to each other that much, I didn't know what to do.. so I just sent him two "funny" pictures on snapchat in hope of making him laugh.. if he happened to be in a 'down mood' I hoped to cheer him up. He opened them but he didn't reply... so I didn't know what to think. It wasn't really something you had to reply to, but if it was me I would at least say "hahaha" or something ;__;; It felt as if I had bothered him with so many unnecessary shit.. but when I was waiting for class, he walked past me and said hi >< After that I kinda tried to write him a message on snapchat and then I also tried to talk to him in person. I was really nervous so I didn't really talk as much as I would like to. The next day we didn't talk to each other at all. We just said hi and that was it. We were like mere acquaintances in real life, whilst in our chat we would talk as if we had known each other forever and were like best friends. I don't know if I was the only one who felt that way though. I was scared he didn't see me as his friend when I did. There were many times when I just felt like I wanted to give up on everything and everyone. Withdraw and just disappear. Sometimes when I waited for him although everyone else had gone, I felt like a nuisance.. because maybe.. he just didn't want to be left alone with me? I remember that time really clearly, when I waited for him after our maths exams.. I thought I had the opportunity to talk to him on our way to next class but he just walked really fast and I was left alone again. At first I tried to catch up, but it was kinda obvious he wanted to get away from me so I stopped walking in that fast pace and slowed down. I wanted to ask him why he did that, in our chat, but I didn't want to be a bother so I left it be. I didn't contact him at all after that, but then he sent me a message as if everything was normal and that 'him walking away from me' never happened. So I just played along with it I guess. And now we kinda talk a lot, as usual.

After a couple of more meetings with the school counselor, mostly on Tuesdays, she wanted me to contact another organisation that was a "short time contact" in contrast to BUP because she was worried about me having depression but not doing anything about it. So... I contacted that organisation and got into a few meetings with someone whom I had to tell all about my situation once again. It felt so uncomfortable because she just kept staring at me and went quiet when I was done talking. And everytime it went quiet, it was like that for a looooooong time. I would always avert my gaze and try to keep my mind occupied so that I wouldn't worry too much about the uncomfortable silence. When we had met a couple of times, I had to fill in some papers about my mental, physical health and about my sleep. It was like a "depression test" I think.. cus I got a really high score which made her, just like the school counselor and the school nurse, think I had depression. So she wanted me to meet a doctor within the organisation, and I did. We talked about how I felt again, and I started to cry again. (Apparently the doctor is one of my classmates' mother. It didn't make me feel uncomfortable though because then she would know about our school situation without me even telling her anything about it). Since my parents don't even know anything about how I feel (they just think it was temporary), she wanted to meet my mom to explain about the stuff I was going through. She suggested me to take anti-depressants. I'm against medical treatments and I'm strongly against letting my mom know about this again... but I told her I'd think about it. I don't even know what to do anymore. Why did I even agree to seek help again? Everything just became so complicated AGAIN. I was going to meet the same girl I met the first day I came in contact with the organisation a few days later (it was on Thursday last week). I told her I didn't want to bring my mom into this again, so she said I had as an assignment to talk about it with my sister instead, so that there would be at least someone there to know I'm taking anti-depressants, if I decide to take them, and keep an eye on me. The anti-depressants have side-effects that could cause you to feel worse than you're already feeling in the beginning of the intakes, the suicidal thoughts could be worse. She wanted me to talk to my sister about it before our next meeting which is tomorrow. I haven't even talked to her about it yet. I don't know how to. I don't know how to bring it up again.. because she thinks it's a temporary thing just like my parents. I don't even know if I'll be able to talk to her about it before the end of this day.

Even though I feel like I'm non-existent whenever I'm at school.. I still felt at least a tiny bit more alive when I had him to talk to on Line. I'm not gonna lie, if he wasn't there for me to talk to, everything would've been worse. I mean... when I felt like no one would really care if I disappeared, he would always message me asking me where I am. He even worried about me when I skipped lunch to study. Sometimes it felt like he cared, but sometimes something in my mind just told me maybe he didn't really care and just put up a front? I don't know. Something is just really terribly wrong with me. I feel so bad for thinking that way now that I got over 200 messages from him after what happened yesterday. (will talk about it towards the end of this post)

After a bit more than half a year, my sister's friend wanted to meet up with me and my sister, so we did. That was a couple of weeks back. I kinda felt a bit uncomfortable just like I always do when I'm around anyone really, but she understood. My sister had to go home after a few hours though... so my sister's friend wanted at least me to stay. She didn't pressure me into it though, and she kept repeating it was fine if I felt uncomfortable and didn't want to stay with her. I did feel uncomfortable but I really wanted to stay. So I decided to go against my fear and stay with her when my sister went home. It was really difficult at first but as time went on, I started to open myself up to her and I felt a bit more comfortable. When we went to her house, we started playing games and... now that I met her again yesterday, she told me that she felt like I was the one who started the conversations when we played Little Big Planet together the first time. She said she really wanted to be my friend and that she was happy when I decided to stay with her even though my sister went home. She knew I felt uncomfortable but she noticed I gradually changed. She also apologised for having been pushy and stuff xD but I don't think she was. I was glad she wanted to hang out with me even though I'm so kjshdygufdush. Yesterday, we were at hers and played Mario. We were going to watch anime together too but something went wrong with the laptop so... we went out instead, sat on a bench and had some deeeeeep talk while it gradually started to get dark. It felt so nice. I told her everything and she told me everything. Even though we had just hung out two times it felt as if we'd known each other for a long time. Back in primary, we were only "waving buddies" but now we're real real friends. I'm glad I stayed with her that day, because if I didn't, I would probably never open myself up to anyone. We talked in the dark and it made everything so much easier because we couldn't really see each other that clear, and I could cry all I want without her actually seeing. She's the first one to know about everything in detail, and I'm really thankful to her for understanding and that she was willing to listen.

When I came home after all that, I wanted to show my mom a chicken that my other friend showed me when I went to surprise her for her birthday. It ended up with a fight. I don't know if it was because I was still in an emotional state after the deep talk I had with my/sister's friend and overreacted or if it was just.... I don't know :( I was creating the chicken with a towel and my mom sat in front of me and looked at me like she always does. And when she observes me like that, then that means she's trying to find some flaws in my face. Seriously, I'm not even kidding. Just as I feared, she started bringing up the flaws she saw in me etc. So of course I got mad. There I was, trying to show her something I thought was funny, but she was just busy looking for my flaws. So I walked away from her because I didn't want to have a fight, but she kept coming after me and complained about stuff I did, didn't do, should and shouldn't do etc. I told her "Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop, just stop ok? I don't want to hear it anymore. You've talked about it numerous of times, I'm tired of it." and she replied with "I just want to help you". So I said "Don't you realise how much you've hurt me with your words? You always compare me to my sister. You always tell me to be more like her. Aren't you happy with who I am already? Why do you always have to compare us two?". (((I.. just hate being compared to anyone really. That's why I sometimes hate being in Thailand, because that's where people compare us the most. I would always have days where I would cry 83575940 hours in secrecy))) So yeah, it ended with me saying that, running to my room and pushing the door handle so that she wouldn't be able to come in. And just like that time when they found out my feelings, my mom knocked on my door 3856795 times and kept saying "you never understand me" etc etc. and then she starts crying loudly, and then my dad comes and tell her to go elsewhere and knocks on my door himself etc etc. I never went out of my room after that, so I got a chair and left it at the door so that the door handle wouldn't be able to be pushed down. And then I started listening to music to shut the noise out and just... cried.

The 'Line guy' messaged me saying he wanted me to watch anime with him. I told him I had a fight with my mom and that I couldn't really watch with him at the time, but he kept wanting me to watch it, saying the only thing he cared about was me watching it with him. So yeah.. I got really sad that he said that. But then I thought.. "at least he's being honest". And then after 20 mins or so he asked me what I was doing. I said I was listening to music and crying. I was being so emotional and what not. I regretted right after that I even told him I was crying. I only had 3% left of my battery so.. that's what I told him. And then I wanted to ask him if he even considered me as his friend and if he even cared about me at all. But I couldn't bring myself to do so because oh God, that would just be really really really annoying of me. We barely even talk in real life so what did I even expect???? Right before my phone was about to die I said I had so many questions to ask him. He told me to ask but I didn't do it because my phone died. So yeah, I just left it like that since my charger was outside of the room and I didn't want to go get it in fear of bumping into my parents. And then I just laid there on my bed and fell asleep crying. The next day, I woke up and just sfkjghfuid.............. I felt like I had to get everything off my chest at that moment so I got my laptop and started to write this post. Yup, I spent the entire day today crying and writing this post. I have no idea why writing all of this took so long.

When I was halfway through my post, I decided to charge my phone and got over 200 messages from him. He said so many sweet things, apologised a hundred of times and opened himself up to me about a few things. I cried so much. I don't know what to say to him right now.. but I hoped if I showed him the link to this post or something, he would get to know the things that I've been wanting to tell him every time he's been asking me where I disappear to... It's probably too much? Maybe he'll think I'm coming on to strong? Yeah, this is definitely too much.

Update: I sent him the link.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014


I'm back and it's time to tell you about what happened when came to the third "new class" (the one I'm in now).

Well, I got my hopes really really high just to get them crushed AGAIN. On my first day of school I got introduced in English class by a very very cute teacher (I still have him as my English teacher). He's not cute in the way that you get all "omgomg, cute ♥_♥", he was just cute because he was so nice and old. I think old and nice people are cuties ok. Anyways, so everyone in class said hi to me so I thought "Ooh, all of them said hi to me! This is a good start isn't it?" so I tried to say hi back in a loud voice. I have no idea if I succeeded or failed... but I'd like to think I succeeded. I looked around to see if there were any empty seats beside one of them, just to socialise and get to know one of them more, and there was one empty seat beside a guy who seemed kinda "macho". He had his feet on the table right next to him or something, so I hesitated. Then there were two girls who sat in front of him. They were nice and all, told me I could sit in front of them and then they asked me loads of questions and tried to make a conversation. It went pretty well for being a "beginner's conversation". It was a bit awkward but I was fine with it since they actually seemed interested in where I was from etc, etc. Well.... thinking back at it now, I'm not sure if they were actually interested in those things for real, or were just asking questions for the sake of it 0.0 ....

Anyways, you know how it is when you've recently joined a new class don't you? When there are nice people who have approached you, you choose to follow those people around wherever they go because you feel safe around them since you've spoken to them once. So yeah, I wanted to follow those two around because otherwise I'd feel lost. BUT FOR SOME REASON THEY JUST WALKED SO FAST AND DISAPPEARED. So I followed the storm instead and got questions from the new classmates like "what's your name?", "where are you from?" and I answered and asked back. It felt so good to be interesting enough for them to ask XD ... so there were a few people who were in like.. a large group and they actually invited me to join them. They were 7, including the two girls that talked to me during English class, so I joined them (and I'm still with them till this day). I didn't join them premanently at the time though since I was still confused as to who I should hang out with and where I belonged. At that time I kinda went back and forth, and joined different classmates just to see where I felt "at home" the most. It felt so confusing. It felt as if I was in a maze because I didn't feel like I belonged anywhere, especially with my "social problems". So I ended up alone for a while.

One day I was so afraid of going to eat lunch by myself so I went to that "7 group" and asked one of the girls if I could join them for lunch that day. She was so nice and said "of course! :o You didn't have to ask... just join us ^^". She was so kind hearted and I felt so happy and relieved that I wanted to cry Dx askjfhuygudk, so I joined them permanently. Followed them around everywhere, listened to their conversations rather than joining them myself... I felt like a nuisance. I was honestly just there to follow them around. I didn't feel like I was a part of the group. I felt left out... even though I was CLEARLY the one who chose not to speak my mind and let my fear get the best of me. I know I had no right to feel that way at all and that I still don't. But I did feel that way and I still am.

Some people might not understand this fear of speaking up and I guess I don't blame themm because I honestly don't know what I'm afraid of. I mean... what's the worst thing that could happen if I spoke????? I feel like I'm being afraid for no reason. My heart rate speeds up rapidly whenever I open my mouth to say even the smallest things... like "hi". My chest tightens, it's hard for me to breathe and I start to sweat at the back of my neck.

During that first year in that new class, I tried really really hard to talk to them. Believe me, I did. But despite all the tries I still haven't gotten that far till this ...-

............ I had this "cough drop" in my mouth... and I was listening to music so I couldn't help but to sing along.... SUDDENLY I COULDN'T BREATHE ANYMORE BECAUSE THE COUGH DROP FELL INTO MY WINDPIPE. omfg, I tried to calm down and push the cough drop out with the tiny amount of air I managed to collect at the top of my lungs and akjsfhusjkals. I was like "uhh, uhh". It didn't work at first so I was almost about to give up and throw myself on the floor to let myself pass out. "It's no use... just give in already" I thought for myself. IT WAS SO HORRIBLE. BUT THEN SOMETHING INSIDE ME SAID TO PUSH HARDER, SO I DID. I KEPT FIGHTING TILL IT FINALLY JUMPED OUT OF MY THROAT. AKJSFHGFUJSK, THAT WAS THE WORST EXPERIENCE I'VE EVER HAD.
-----------------end of interruption--------------- It's already been a year but I still feels like I haven't made any progress at all >:(

There's so much more I want to write about.. but I really have to study for the chemistry exams right now. We're having the exams tomorrow and I haven't studied at all. I'm a bad child. I feel like that near-death-experience was a sign for me to stop writing and get on with my studies................... TT^TT I didn't go to school today partly because I felt a bit ill >< but also... because we weren't going to have any productive classes anyway so I thought I'd rather stay at home and study than to be at school and do nothing because of my lack of concentration, come home really late and get stressed out and anxious because I only have a few hours left to study... Does that make any sense at all? :/ ... I'll continue on my story next time! :'I

Sunday, August 31, 2014


Once again I managed to break my word. I have loads of homework right now so I can't really type a long post since that would take me hours :'( I'm taking a small break from all the h/w stuff right now, so I'll take this time to share a weird conversation I had with my brother recently:

Me: I hope there will be an awful flood tomorrow so that we won't have to go to school.
My brother: Yayyy, it's raining.
Us singing in harmony: I hope it rains, I hope it rains some more, i hope it rains some more~~~~
Him: We're getting happy for no reason... Our schools won't close just because of that. Remember the storm last time? We still had to go to school.
Me: Yeah, I know. I hope I slip 3897588 times and arrive late for school with bruises everywhere hahahah
Him: hahaha, yeah, I hope I slip tooooo xD
Me: I'll cycle so fast until I slip and fly onto the street so that a car hits me, hahahah. XD
Him: Woah, woah, hahaha, you're crossing the line now.
Me: *laughs more*
Him: haha.. I'm being serious right now. I'm not joking, don't make me cry ;__;;
Me: *laughs even more*

Yeah.. That's how much I don't like school Dx I've been feeling so stressed out to the point where I have this uneasy feeling in my chest that won't go away. It won't go away no matter how hard I try to relax.. and that uneasiness makes me unable to concentrate on my work which leads me to procrastinate and do nothing productive at all. I know it's awful to procrastinate but I really can't stop. I can't even eat without feeling the need to throw up because of that uneasy feeling in my chest. I've gotten an appointment with the school counselor so hopefully I'll feel a bit more relaxed after that ><

I can't say when I'll come back because that would just end up with more "lies" :(

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Apologies & WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME part 1

Hi there! I hope you still remember me. I am sooo sorry for not having blogged for over a year when I originally said I was only going to be gone for a month. I came back today to see that I had comments left waiting for me to reply to. I replied to them recently but nothing showed up as a reply to the comments! I'm literally freaking out right now. I hope the comments got sent anyway.. or else I probably just have to live with this guilt forever Dx I didn't plan this really ;___;;

Things suddenly became quite tough for me ever since that trip and ever since the school start. I can't really remember that much about what happened during the trip to Thailand, I just remember that there were places I wanted to visit but I couldn't because my mother didn't want to. She promised me a lot but never kept them >< A few funny stuffs happened too, which I will write about when I have more time to do so!

First off, I'm going to write about all the sad and depressing stuff that made me lose all the motivation to do anything... so brace yourself. I seriously wanted to write a blog post last year before I went all bleeeeeeeeeh but I couldn't bring myself to because I was just so depressed. But anyways.. here I am ;__;;

I had really high hopes for upper secondary. I had so many ideas of what to do and imagined loads of positive scenarios in which I would get friends who would be my friends for a lifetime. THEY WERE SO SILLY, BUT THEY FELT SO REAL... They gave me so much hope but when the reality struck me I was so helpless. Gosh. But if I could go back in time I probably would've failed just as bad.

When school started I went to class, and as I expected the class consisted of mostly guys since I chose the technology program. The school I decided to attend is called Polhem. There were only 2 other girls there too and they totally ignored me (or at least it felt like that). I was all by myself. One of my ex classmates were there too though, so I kind of felt a bit of relief to see a familiar face. I tried my best to talk to them but no one really wanted to look my way. I just wished I was a guy back then because it was so easy for guys to make "friends". My ex classmate was just like me. He was quiet, shy and didn't know how to make friends. He was alone the first 2 days too. But the third day one of the guys called him over because he seemed lonely, and just as simple as that, he joined them. They hung out in a group so he didn't really need to talk because there were no awkwardness whatsoever, since they're guys. (Now that I think back on it, I bet there was a lot of awkwardness but I was just too busy worrying about myself that I thought everything went perfect for others. After having met AAA a while ago, I realized maybe it's a bit harder for guys to get real close friends whom they can talk to about deep serious shit, if you know what I mean. This post is actually updated. Just thought I'd add some kind of "reaction" now that I have a tad more of a social experience)

I wanted that too. But no one called me over. No one attempted to even talk to me. Things got depressing and I felt lonely. The interest I used to feel for the subjects started to drop because no one wanted to work with me when we had to work in pairs. It felt like everyone hated me. They would avoid sitting beside me if it was possible. I just wanted to get out of there. I didn't know what was wrong with me. Was it because I unintentionally gave off "oh no i don't want to be friends" aura and pushed them away or was I just simply too much of a loser for them? No idea man, no idea. Every single day I was on the verge of tears. Everytime something small happened I was just soooo ready to cry. I felt so vulnerable and lost. (I remember being paranoid thinking everyone was laughing at me whenever something fun happened. I remember thinking everything was revolving around me. Now I realize it was pretty stupid of me since it just made me more vulnerable and less confident)

When I had enough of it I decided to go to the school counselor to ask for help. She helped me to change programs to nature sciences instead since that was what I wanted. There were no "seats" left in Polhem though, so she said I had to change schools if I wanted to change as quick as possible. She told me I could come back when they had an "empty seat" for me which could take about a month, and I said yes. I just agreed with everything since I so badly wanted to escape from that class. So I started to attend a private school called Humanus in a new program, nature sciences. The principal was so rude there .__. And nowwww I have to tell you a story about what happened to her:
     I was waiting for her in front of her office since she was busy, and then suddenly some 20 year old dude, who actually was a student there, comes knocking at her door and starts calling her sweetheart. She was smiling through the whole thing. I thought they were close pals but nonono. At the end of their conversation she was like "and one more thing.... *wide smile* Don't EVER call me sweetheart again". I just burst out laughing in my mind xD. Ok, I'm sorry, onto the real story...

I got a really kindhearted friend there, Roza is her name. The school wasn't that great though since almost all the teachers were rude and the P.E- and the lunch places were so far away from the actual school. It usually took us so long that we always arrived late for class... But yeah, I tried to comfort myself by thinking it would only be temporary.

On a Thursday night I got a call from my previous school (Polhem). They said they had an empty seat for me and asked me if I was willing to accept it. I said yes, signed some papers and stuff and apparently Humanus' principal had to sign on the papers too. But she was all "Nah, it's not really important for me to do that. They'll let you in anyway" so I was like "okay, great then" and I went to my previous school (Polhem) and gave the papers to that principal instead, thinking everything was cleared up. But NO. She got irritated at me and said I needed the papers signed by the principal from  Humanus too. So yeah, guess what? I had to cycle back and forth like three times. Because Humanus' principal was ill and there was some misunderstandings and blablabla. It couldn't be helped I guess, but it was so exhausting. and I felt like a nuisance for not being able to do anything correctly which... sent me to the verge of tears again...... Thank God it was fixed in the end though... (I remember feeling really lost, I was so scared)

When I came to my 3rd new class, Na1a, the one I'm currently in (well, not anymore since I transferred again, they're in their third and last year now so they're Na3a atm), I had high hopes too. But reality made it all poo ish again -_____- But I'll write about what happened, when I came to this class, next time which will probably be next friday... cus it's getting really late Dx I'm still jetlagged from my previous trip >< yeahh... Goodnight! and I'm sorry again :'((((

PS. The pictures from the last two trips will be posted when I've managed to transfer all the pictures to the same USB memory stick. I don't know how long that will take though, since I don't even have the USB memory stick that I'm gonna transfer them to ><