Monday, April 8, 2013

"Feet pictures" *-*

Awmg. I'm obsessed with my feet. I had some time left after school so I sat there taking photos of my feet while waiting for my friends to finish their class. And trust me, there are hell a lot more photos of my feet than just these. (I just chose to show you the ones I liked the most .__.)

See the hole on my right sock? Well, I tend to have socks with holes. I didn't cut them. Those holes came "naturally"... and.. I've gotten a lot of questions about why I always use those old socks even though I could just throw them away. Want to know what I answered to that? Well... I said "Because I like them. The holes make it easier for my feet to breathe. My feet needs air too... If they don't get to breathe they'll get isolated, hot and sweaty, and that is an awful feeling for me."
~Okay, okay. I admit... I didn't really say that to all of those people who asked me. I only said that to my friends and to the teachers x) To my classmates I just said "Because like them. They are comfortable to wear."

Aren't those pictures just soooooo beautiful? :'3
~I haven't done anything special today... except for buying the chocolate I'd been craving for weeks.... ;A;
I'm so happy right now.

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