Thursday, April 4, 2013

Yay, and "Nay"

Today I got my Swedish-national-test-thingy back! I got a B in speaking, an A in reading and a B in writing so the end result was B. Pretty good if I have to admit >.< I thought I'd get a lower grade, so yeah, I'm sososo happy. :) Still sad though :( because my father wouldn't really be that proud of me since he expects an A from me... :'/
Anyways, yesterday I got this letter from the Technical High School I applied to(it was one of the three choices I made).

They gave me a VIP-card so that I'd be able to attend their event "Kick Off" and meet my "future classmates" who also applied, have "fun" and know a bit more about their school. They also said I'd be able to bring a friend with me too. And I want to go. But I also don't want to go because I'm SCARED of people. Sigh, sigh :'I

Today's school day was as usual... except for that part when my nose was runny, and that part when I had to run to the bathroom every 5 minutes(to get tissues), and that part during the teachers' talks when my tears just kept dropping from my right eye because I felt like I had to sneeze but never managed to do so, and that part when I was walking home and felt like my eyes were burning so I walked with my eyes closed(through the parking lot)
....and that part when the new principal introduced herself to us. Hahah, this was hilarious... She said "I'm your new principal" etc, etc, and we were all listening to her and nodding but when she left, one of my classmates asked "So... who the hell was she?" Lmao.

Right now... I'm feeling ill. My stomach aches a lot... I think I'm going to throw up. I feel hot(not hot(sexy), but hot-hot(warm)), and I'm sweating... so.. I told my mother about it... Guess what she did? She came knocking on my door... and brought me food ;-; I wasn't really in the mood to eat because I feared I'd throw up for real... but I couldn't refuse her kindness ;-; so I said "thanks" and accepted it. A few minutes later someone knocked on my door, again, it was my mother. She came with an egg for the rice x3 Aw ;u;

This dish is called "Kao Jam" x3 It was good. But after awhile I felt like throwing up again e_e
When I finished the food, she came into my room again! And this time she brought me a plate full of green grapes ;n; WHY IS SHE SO NICE whenever I'm sick? ;__; She said "Eat it all up! Okay? :)"

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