Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Stabbing Myself (Nightmare)

I was on the train and sat diagonally in front of a man around his thirties or forties (I'm not good with age but he seemed slightly younger than my dad). The man tried to start multiple conversations with me saying something along the lines of me being interesting. I was uncomfortable. He wouldn't stop bugging me even though I gave him very short answers in attempts to brush him off.

At one point during the ride, when I looked out of the window, I noticed in the corner of my eyes that he pulled up what I thought was a sketchbook. He started drawing me or something because he looked at me attentively as he made lines on the paper. I caught myself for a moment actually looking at him with surprise but looked away again pretending I didn't see anything to avoid eye contact. He then pulled up his phone and started asking me which picture he should sketch. He showed me two pictures of me being on the train. The pictures were of me on a different day with different clothes on. In one of the pictures I wore the hijab and in another one I wasn't. I was confused and asked him "Uhm... Where were these photos taken? I don't recall ever having seen them". He said "Oh i took them the other day on the train when I saw you :)". I then started panicking; My heart started racing. I said "uh okay then... I think I'm gonna leave....". As I made a move to get up he said "oh no no, don't leave. Did I scare you? Please stay" and pulled my arm lightly to make me stay. I looked around in a desperate attempt to get help from other passengers. Some people noticed but they didn't do anything to help because they were unsure if something really happened and if i knew this man or not etc. I slowly rested my left hand where my heart was and felt it racing even more. I looked around again feeling unsettled. "Uhm actually... I'm gonna leave", I said hesitantly. I doubted myself because I wasn't sure whether or not I was making a bigger deal out of it than it actually was, cause no one was really reacting to it. He again said "no no don't leave, don't leave", he didn't seem to realise what he had done wrong. I pulled my arm out of his grip quickly and started to power walk to the left, away from him. He gave me such weird, creepy and uncomfortable vibes. Had he been watching me all these times I've been on the same train as him???? I felt him walking after me but he wasn't as quick. He probably didn't want to catch anyone's attention. After a while, some of the other passengers got in the way for him because they had to go to the bathroom, so I took this chance to dash to the end of the train.

When reaching the end of the train, there were three other passengers there standing in front of the doors waiting to get off at the next stop. The next stop was close but not as close as I would've liked it to be. I had to ask them for help since I could feel him getting closer. I turned around to look at them and told them there was a man coming after me and that I needed help to hide. They realized the situation and helped create some sort of "human wall" for me so that he wouldn't see me when he made his way to us. I took a glance at him and saw how he tried to look for me. "Hurry, hurry, please let me off" I thought to myself. The people who helped me said they would make sure he wouldn't see me when we get off.

After the few seconds in which felt like hours, the doors opened and we got off the train together. Unfortunately he caught a glimpse of me. He then started coming after me again and I started running away from the train station. I had to get home but I didn't want him to know where I lived so I hid myself in the bushes when I knew he wasn't looking. Unfortunately again, he found me. Although he wasn't in the form of a man when he came for me this time. Appearance wise he was in the form of a girl I knew in real life, but when it actually came to his inner core, I could feel it was me. In other words, I was being chased by myself. (Now, in real life I have no actual relationship with the girl he/I took form as. Me and her are just acquaintances, so I don't think there was any reason as to why she appeared other than the fact that I recently thought about her) I had a knife out of nowhere, pulled it out and stabbed her with it when she reached for my body. She fell on the grass and I stabbed her again and again and again. In the stomach, hands... in her face mostly. I was disgusted, creeped out and appalled by her. I very clearly remember the sensation of stabbing the knife into her flesh, the sensation of when I pulled it out to stab her again, and the noises it made. It felt so terrifying but I couldn't stop stabbing her because of how threatened I felt by her. By this time I think her appearance started shifting again and now she had my face and body. I specifically recall stabbing through her lips at least three times (even though we all know human beings have teeth, I stabbed through them as well, dream logic). There was barely any blood coming out from her wounds. She already lost consciousness but I kept going for a bit longer until another clone of her appeared diagonally on top of her. Their bodies reacted as if the other body wasn't actually there; They reacted like holograms to each other even though they were still touchable for me. This clone was also out of consciousness but I proceeded to continuously stab her as well.

When I was done, I quickly ran home with my heart still racing from the fear. Even though she probably was dead, I still didn't feel completely safe yet. I can't remember keeping the knife but I guess I did because when I came back home, I had the knife in reach when I saw her once again. She wasn't dead, she was as good as new and she had figured out where I lived. She stood in the hallway and started to make her way towards me as she was smiling. I pulled out the knife again and stabbed her again and again and again. The end of the dream then only consisted of repeating scenes of me stabbing her over and over again. If any of you have seen the show "Lucifer", you'll know what I mean when I say how it felt like my own personal hell.

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