Friday, March 29, 2013


Awmg, awmg. I've become lazy.
It's probably because of the homework and procrastinating/postponing. I mean. First day I'm being like "yay! Break! No school for a whole week! Time to do something fun!" and so it goes on for just two days. After two days I start to think "okay.. now I really have to do some homework before I'm back to school again". But no. It never gets that way. Because guess what? I start to procrastinate thinking "it's okay, I'll do it at 6pm" and I begin to start doing useless stuff to pass the time.... and "enjoy" the "fun" while it lasts but still feel guilty because I haven't done the homework yet(which I'm supposed to have done).
     The days feel a lot shorter and I feel more and more miserable for each day. Tuesday is about to arrive. School. School. School. I can't help but start feeling anxious. e_e
     And yeah, that's right --> I am procrastinating the homework right now by writing this post thinking it's okay if I do it in 10 minutes since it's 6.50pm right now. I mean... we all want to start homework when the clock turns "00" right? Or is it just me? If it gets to half past blablabla, I just can't start doing my homework. It has to be "00" sharp (example: 7.00).

This is so bad. It's not good for my health nor is it good for my heart. =  =

Memories - Pigg

Click on picture to be able to see the "wonderful crap" I've written on it ;'3
Don't want to click? ;_; Okay then...
I made some memories on pigg today :'3

I did some homework too . And watched a movie called "Safe". It's an awesome movie <3
It's my new favorite movie now ^-^ (ok, apart from Hotarubi no mori e xD)

Goodnight~ :'3

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


This is a "One-conversation" <_< 

--My day was awful 
--I was actually supposed to go to the big library today 
--with my friend 
--unfortunately and fortunately I was ill 
--I was already ill yesterday 
--but not that much 
--so when she asked me if I wanted to go with her 
--I said "yes" 
--because I thought I'd feel better today 
--we decided we'd meet up at 1pm at the busstation 
--and I had a nightmare 
--I couldn't breathe because my throat hurt 
--and I was sitting on this giant bird 
--that dropped me every 10 minutes 
--it hurt. 
--and thenn I dreamt I was late for our 'meeting' at the busstation 
--(Arriving late is my fear ;_; I've had countless of nightmares about arriving late for school.. ;( ) 
--I was like.. 20mins late ;_; 
--but then I woke up 
--and realized it was a dream 
--I was sweating ._. 
--I woke up by the sound of my sister saying "Byebye!" and my mom saying "where are you going?" and her answering "I'll bring my friend with me home" 
--so I panicked 
--because I didn't want to "not be able to go to the bathroom" when her friend arrived 
--because you know.. I'm scared ._. 
--andand.. so I jumped off the bed 
--and went as quickly as possible 
--and ate something really quicky 
--(ok, I didn't eat something.. I drank milk) 
--and went to my room, closed the door 
--so. She and her friend got home 
--and they went to the kitchen 
--because they were going to make something (I dunno, turned out they made these macarons) 
--they SPEND their entire time in the kitchen 
--I suffered 
--I texted my friend 
--saying I got ill, and that I was soosooooso sorry I couldn't go to the library with her 
--so.. I didn't go to the library today 
--which I kiiiind of regret 
--I didn't have any food from 9am till about 6pm 
--If I went to the library I could've bought something small to eat.. 
--I dunno how I could survive 
--I know my sister's friend isn't scary 
--but I didn't want to go in there 
--yes, I know. I'm stupid ;_; but 
-- I'd rather wait for her to leave than to run into the kitchen, grab something to eat, and then run out of there as quickly as possible 
-- ;______; 
--my sister's friend is even younger than me 
--anyways..... o_o; 
--I went back and forth 
--from my room to the living room 
--and annoyed my brothers 
--my brothers didn't dare to go into the kitchen either! 
--but my sister got them some rice and stuff to eat 
--though I got nothing ._. 
--I went to my room again... and I thought of going into the kitchen because I was really, really, REALLY hungry. 
--but no 
--my hunger wasn't strong enough to control me 
-- @_@ 
--I got food at 6 
--before I was able to get my food, my younger brother came knocking on my door saying "I smuggled some coke for you" 
--Yeah, isn't he nice @_@ 
--just kidding, he's not. During my "near-death-experience" thingy he and my other brother came to my room annd annoyed me to the fullest 
--I almost cried ;__; I mean, I was hungry AND weak. 
--Anyways.. so when I got the food. I saw those macarons standing on the table *-* I saw it as a reward for being able to "not bother my sister and her friend while they were baking".
I saw them everywhere, hahah xD

Branches :3

It's... been.. a long time hasn't it? ;_;
Well, well. I'm still angry with myself about that national-test-thingy.... but.. I've learned that thinking about it and blaming myself won't solve anything. I still feel awful though. *sigh, sigh*
I've tried out the new "zoom-objective-thingy" my dad bought for our camera. I don't even know how to use all those buttons and stuff but... I think I did just fiiine.
Here are some pictures ^ ^
Wait, wait. Just to let you know... I almost burned my eyeball. I zoomed into the sun -_- (yeah, so I suffered a lot when taking those sun-pictures....)
I'm stupid.
I love branches. :3

Here's a "zoom in" to another city called "Malmö".
That tower over there *points at it* (the tall one) is Turning Torso :3.
And the bridge over there is Öresundsbron, the bridge to Denmark c:

And... this is just a random "zoom-in" to some place.. I dunno @_@
Yeah.. so.. Those are pictures of our view from the balcony :''3
For now.... (the new appartments will probably become our new view)
Remember this building?

It has gotten taller.
and.. there will be more of these.... @_@

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Pigg ID: ha-kimwie // Brain got ****** up.

Images from, a virtual world site.

Just thought I'd spread some happiness. I've been very angry and disappointed with myself.. We had the physics national test yesterday.. There were three parts. The first two parts were "okay", though I could've done it better... I really hate these tests since you never know which subjects you'll have to study to be able to pass that test. It's like "surprise! you never knew you had to study astronomic, did you?? mwahahah". I almost cried. But it wasn't because of the surprise. It was because of my brain. It didn't work properly. I was like.... --> the world's dumbest person on earth at that moment when I was doing the third part of the test. OMG. I got it all wrong, and the laughable thing is that I actually thought at that time that I was doing well!! Seriously???!??! The moment I walked out of the door all the memories and realizations just hit my face. BAM. My mood dropped instantly. *facepalm, facepalm, facepalm* and I got this heavy feeling in my chest now..... What's even more depressing is that you can't retake the tests, because it's one of those national ones. I'm not torturing myself with this on purpose, I just can't control it. What the hell.... I was actually supposed to write a post about happiness, what am I doing *sigh*

Okay, well. I've started to play ameba pigg recently since I've missed playing pico...
Old images from pico:

That white hat was like my image.. MY RECOGNITION. But there's no more of that hat... It's okay though.. because.. I'm kind of happy with my "new" pigg.
Pico's webpage closed a few months ago so... I wanted to play something similar which was the japanese version of pico ;__; I just thought I'd share the website with you. Ah, who am I kidding? I just want some friends T^T My pigg ID is: ha-kimwie. ADD ME. Joke, no one is going to see this anyway *sad* (just kidding, do whatever you want <_<)
     Anyways.. I used to use pico only for photographing, and talking to some friends. Soso.. this time I'm also using pigg just to take these awesome images, though I have no friends there HAHAH. Everyone is speaking japanese while I'm just standing there being like "*sobbbb* I cannot understand anything you people say.. I feel so lonely o__o;". It would've been better if they were speaking english, then I could've known what was happening around me xD It doesn't count as eavesdropping okay? Because it's not "illegally" listening to what they're saying, it's reading what they're typing! Before in pico I used to be nosy opening people's profiles and read them all xD I mean.. it was english, it was understandable. I could laugh, I could make faces, I could cry (I could cry, but I wouldn't do that, no <_>)
I "knew" lots of people there ._. They didn't know me though, only a few did... Okay.. who am I kidding? I was famous okay? At that Ooku Hall (if I remember right) my big head was showing itself to these people all the time! So everytime I got online and went to Ooku Hall they were like "Hii Wanii!!!!! :D Big head." Okaaaaay, okay.. not really all of them, only one <_< *cough* But erhh, my pico actually got known as time passed by because I went there almost everyday (now I'm being honest)!
But nowww, in pigg I can't be nosy, because the language barrier won't allow me to! :'I
This is what I encountered... 
What secret information are you people hiding?!? D':
and Yes, Wanillah is me. (ugh, why is the picture so blurry? T^T) Hahah... I really hope some of you can relate >_> My "observing" and "spying" have turned into "standing and waiting for someone to approach". And... it's been giving me "feel-left-out-feelings" lately .__.
Someone.. please help me.. I have no idea what they're talking about.. Google translate can't come to my rescue either... :'(

Other problems I encountered were these.
MISTAKE 1: I deleted a friend. Way to go, meee! :D HAHAH, I always let my curiosity get the better of me. Although I've played pico and it should've been similar to pigg, I still pressed that "delete button".
O. M. G.
My first friend I could communicate with was gone. I didn't even put this person's Pigg ID in my memory *sob* Psh, my heart crashed. (My profile-text actually helped me with this friend. He was like "Wanillah!!!!" So I was like ";o;!! *tears upp* OMG, I'll get a friend!!!!" I was so happy ._. but now he's gone. Because I deleted him ._.
     MISTAKE 2: I almost reported another friend. I saw that police car and was curious if I would be taken to a new and cool place with my friend. But no. I came to a page where I had to fill information about a "crime" he'd committed to report him. Thank goodness google translate was with me. Everyone knows a police-car means "reporting"! Except me, because my brain was in an unhealthy state considering the national physics test I know I'll fail in.

PS. Don't get me wrong, I love japanese. I love Japan. I just hate language barriers. I miss pico, and I want pigg to be translated for us "english users" or how you call us.
PSS. HAHAH OMG. I just realized I went off the "happiness" topic.. @_@ This is all sadness, sadness,  and sadness. Wow. My brain is tricking me an awfully a lot today. I'm too lazy to change anything in this post... So.. I'll let it be like this.

Update: Pigg ID --> ha-kimwie

Friday, March 15, 2013

"Spring" so white....

Hmm, hmm... "Snow-thorny" branches are pretty! ~Especially in the sunshine ^_^
(It's prettier if you see it with your own eyes)
AWMGGGG I just remembered that I forgot to touch them after I'd photographed.... I'm so disappointed right now!!!! T^T I was so curious about how they'd feel in my hands................... annd now I won't be able to touch them until next winter.... I mean.... these stuff only happen once in a while ;~; (probably)
Well, anyways... Here you gooo; loads of pictures, hehee *-*

Thursday, March 14, 2013

"Long time no see"

I.... haven't been here for days and days...
I've been busy with homework and exams. It's pretty tiring *breathes slooowlyyyyy*
----First of all: My dad bought me new pair of earrings. I FEEL LIKE SUCH A BRAT. I didn't tell him to buy new ones okayy???? but the ones he bought me actually made the blood-bubbles, I had behind my ears, worse. It's obvious they're gonna "boom" the bubbles.. I mean look!
So... he went out and bought these ones instead ;-;
Soooo... no more pointy things that will smash those bubbles and make it worse...
(I'm seriously not making any sense.... :I)
So.. that was the first thing that had happened...
A few days ago the sun made itself visible and killed all the snow.... so.. I thought spring was on it's way.
But NOOOOOOoooooooooo. The snow came back again today..... O_O;
I wish I could sunbath my feet again...... T~T
I remember those black socks... they were really good heat-absorbers ;__; Yeah... memorable times ._.
I just wish... the snow would disappear sooooooon...
---- Thirdly!
Guess what?
No never mind, don't guess. I actually finished my scarf :3 I don't remember when I did that.. but I think it was a pretty long time ago....
Heheee, I liiike it a looot ^____^
Two spins around the head, yayy ~
We changed our seats in the classroom!! I don't know why I'm so happy about this but, I really am. I've gotten a seat in the corner :'3 I like corners because sitting there gives you a good view over the classroom. I mean.... I wouldn't want a pen or something similar flying at me from behind... :'I
(happened today) It made me smile instantly. I got a message from a friend I hadn't talked to for monnthhhs and monnnths! ;-; We were really close and could talk about anything... But ever since I travelled to Thailand I'd never really talked to him.. because I thought he didn't want me as his friend anymore o_o;
Me and my assumptions.... ugh... So.. I didn't contact him or anything for months (neither did he) because he was never online (and neither was I) Awmg, yes, I'm a dork. Seems I only have internet-friends, huh? No.. but seriously.. I could be needing someone to talk to about things I usually never talk to the ones who are with me in real life. I know internet friends can lose contact really easy. But... it doesn't hurt to hope for the best right? :I Anyways.. He wrote that he missed me bunches and that he hoped I was well. He also wished me a wonderful day/night. (of course, what else would he have written?) I was surprised. I mean.. I really thought he decided to leave my "life" completely.. We hadn't talked for almost a year!! I thought he'd forgotten me too... :( *sob, sob* I looked at the date and it was actually sent 8 March 2013!!! Ok, enough about that.
I finally got to see how our "question-mark-cousin" look like. I'm so happy. I mean.. my uncle and his wife divorced years ago. So this "question-mark-cousin" got taken away by her as she left her two other children with my uncle.. She didn't love those two "children" (they're not children anymore).. that's why she left them... And well, she moved faaaaaaaar away and changed her number and everything so that she and my uncle wouldn't have any contact with each other at all. She didn't let her son (that "question-mark-cousin") contact his father either, nor any of the relatives on his father's side. So.. they lived separately.
Anyways.. so I'd heard my aunts talk about him like "I wonder if he's well..." etc, etc. So I got curious, because I'd never met him... annnd years and years passed... and now we started to talk about him again so my sister said she might be able to find him on facebook, which she did through some guy who went to the same school as "question-mark-cousin". Soosooo, now I know how he looks like! *-* My sister started to talk to him and said our mother wanted to meet him and that we were his relatives. She asked him if he knew he had relatives from Sweden and it appeard he didn't know we existed at all -.- Actually no surprise since his mother keeps everything as a secret from him.... Anyways.. so we're travelling to Thailand again this year... and the first 4 days will be in Bangkok (where "question-mark-cousin" lives). So I hoooope we'll be able to meet him there... despite his mother's disallowance.
I'm eating pizza at the moment.....

You probably didn't even want to read this whole post.. but.. I just wanted to type it down here so that I someday could see it and laugh at it ^-^
     I'll try to get here more often even though I have so many exams coming up... We're having physics exams next week on Tuesday... *sigh*
     I hooope everyone have been well~ ^ ^