Friday, March 29, 2013


Awmg, awmg. I've become lazy.
It's probably because of the homework and procrastinating/postponing. I mean. First day I'm being like "yay! Break! No school for a whole week! Time to do something fun!" and so it goes on for just two days. After two days I start to think "okay.. now I really have to do some homework before I'm back to school again". But no. It never gets that way. Because guess what? I start to procrastinate thinking "it's okay, I'll do it at 6pm" and I begin to start doing useless stuff to pass the time.... and "enjoy" the "fun" while it lasts but still feel guilty because I haven't done the homework yet(which I'm supposed to have done).
     The days feel a lot shorter and I feel more and more miserable for each day. Tuesday is about to arrive. School. School. School. I can't help but start feeling anxious. e_e
     And yeah, that's right --> I am procrastinating the homework right now by writing this post thinking it's okay if I do it in 10 minutes since it's 6.50pm right now. I mean... we all want to start homework when the clock turns "00" right? Or is it just me? If it gets to half past blablabla, I just can't start doing my homework. It has to be "00" sharp (example: 7.00).

This is so bad. It's not good for my health nor is it good for my heart. =  =

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