Thursday, March 14, 2013

"Long time no see"

I.... haven't been here for days and days...
I've been busy with homework and exams. It's pretty tiring *breathes slooowlyyyyy*
----First of all: My dad bought me new pair of earrings. I FEEL LIKE SUCH A BRAT. I didn't tell him to buy new ones okayy???? but the ones he bought me actually made the blood-bubbles, I had behind my ears, worse. It's obvious they're gonna "boom" the bubbles.. I mean look!
So... he went out and bought these ones instead ;-;
Soooo... no more pointy things that will smash those bubbles and make it worse...
(I'm seriously not making any sense.... :I)
So.. that was the first thing that had happened...
A few days ago the sun made itself visible and killed all the snow.... so.. I thought spring was on it's way.
But NOOOOOOoooooooooo. The snow came back again today..... O_O;
I wish I could sunbath my feet again...... T~T
I remember those black socks... they were really good heat-absorbers ;__; Yeah... memorable times ._.
I just wish... the snow would disappear sooooooon...
---- Thirdly!
Guess what?
No never mind, don't guess. I actually finished my scarf :3 I don't remember when I did that.. but I think it was a pretty long time ago....
Heheee, I liiike it a looot ^____^
Two spins around the head, yayy ~
We changed our seats in the classroom!! I don't know why I'm so happy about this but, I really am. I've gotten a seat in the corner :'3 I like corners because sitting there gives you a good view over the classroom. I mean.... I wouldn't want a pen or something similar flying at me from behind... :'I
(happened today) It made me smile instantly. I got a message from a friend I hadn't talked to for monnthhhs and monnnths! ;-; We were really close and could talk about anything... But ever since I travelled to Thailand I'd never really talked to him.. because I thought he didn't want me as his friend anymore o_o;
Me and my assumptions.... ugh... So.. I didn't contact him or anything for months (neither did he) because he was never online (and neither was I) Awmg, yes, I'm a dork. Seems I only have internet-friends, huh? No.. but seriously.. I could be needing someone to talk to about things I usually never talk to the ones who are with me in real life. I know internet friends can lose contact really easy. But... it doesn't hurt to hope for the best right? :I Anyways.. He wrote that he missed me bunches and that he hoped I was well. He also wished me a wonderful day/night. (of course, what else would he have written?) I was surprised. I mean.. I really thought he decided to leave my "life" completely.. We hadn't talked for almost a year!! I thought he'd forgotten me too... :( *sob, sob* I looked at the date and it was actually sent 8 March 2013!!! Ok, enough about that.
I finally got to see how our "question-mark-cousin" look like. I'm so happy. I mean.. my uncle and his wife divorced years ago. So this "question-mark-cousin" got taken away by her as she left her two other children with my uncle.. She didn't love those two "children" (they're not children anymore).. that's why she left them... And well, she moved faaaaaaaar away and changed her number and everything so that she and my uncle wouldn't have any contact with each other at all. She didn't let her son (that "question-mark-cousin") contact his father either, nor any of the relatives on his father's side. So.. they lived separately.
Anyways.. so I'd heard my aunts talk about him like "I wonder if he's well..." etc, etc. So I got curious, because I'd never met him... annnd years and years passed... and now we started to talk about him again so my sister said she might be able to find him on facebook, which she did through some guy who went to the same school as "question-mark-cousin". Soosooo, now I know how he looks like! *-* My sister started to talk to him and said our mother wanted to meet him and that we were his relatives. She asked him if he knew he had relatives from Sweden and it appeard he didn't know we existed at all -.- Actually no surprise since his mother keeps everything as a secret from him.... Anyways.. so we're travelling to Thailand again this year... and the first 4 days will be in Bangkok (where "question-mark-cousin" lives). So I hoooope we'll be able to meet him there... despite his mother's disallowance.
I'm eating pizza at the moment.....

You probably didn't even want to read this whole post.. but.. I just wanted to type it down here so that I someday could see it and laugh at it ^-^
     I'll try to get here more often even though I have so many exams coming up... We're having physics exams next week on Tuesday... *sigh*
     I hooope everyone have been well~ ^ ^

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