Monday, February 25, 2013

Earrings =3

Okok, so my dad bought me new earrings because my ears got some growing blood-bubbles at the back .__. (I'm weak against all kinds of metal except silver and gold <_>)
The first earring is actually 97% silver or something... and it's actually one of those long "thread-earrings" where you just leave both of the tails hanging. Though I wanted to double-spin them so it looked like that instead (first picture). It's so difficult to explain ;A;
So he bought me those pearl-silver earrings instead(second picture). I don't know if it's going to make any difference with the blood-bubbles though... I mean.. the other ones were 97% silver already.. so I'm guessing there's something wrong with my ears but ehh.. he bought them for me anyways. @_@ He actually bought me three sizes of those pearl-earrings. And.. since they looked kind of boring I chose to wear one small on my right ear and one big on my left ear X3 Looks funnier that way....even though they're just plain and white...<.< uhhh, I shouldn't be "complaining" about them! I should be happy since he went to the store just to buy them for me~ ^ ^'

Nothing else happened today... Only shocking stuff like.... GETTING TO KNOW I'M GOING TO HAVE THREE TESTS THIS THURSDAY!!! Right in the morning I, and two other classmates, will have an english oral national-test....I haaate oral tests!!! Aaaand after that test we will have a physics test.... and after that physics test there will be some kind of biology-P.E-test......................... *sob*
I will not be able to make it....................................
*takes a deep breath*
Good night.

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