Friday, February 8, 2013


I've just finished the physics essay. I'm so tired *yawn*
I mean... it took me literally 4 hours to work on it! And besides, I also had to study a bit for the other national exam tomorrow. *cries* This time it's an essay-exam or whatever you call it.. 0.0
We have to sit in the classroom for 200 minutes again..... *sigh* Ohmaigawd, I'm going to fail! D; I'm such a 'slow starter' in writing essays... My mind always tend to be unorganized...
I even wrote a little 'something' to exercise my brain >_>

Unorganized brain:
Information flies to the right
and then it flies to the left

Bouncing on the 'brain-walls'
up and down
back aaaand forth~

Everywhere in my head; information is happily flying

and me? Well... I'm mentally dying~ 

aaaaaaaaaaaand, a lot of things happened these past days... but I haven't had the time to write anything about it... so I'll do it tomorrow. I'll be revealing everything, and it will be the longest post ever(or not).

Anyways... It's time for me to go to bed now... *yawn yawn yawn yawn*
Here's a little good night song; acoustic gangnam style version by Jayesslee ;3

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