Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Poisonous Physics, and choices of life

I'm doing physics at the moment.. (ok, not right now. Just taking a break for awhile x3)
I know I shouldn't complain about homework.. since there are lots of kids who don't even have the opportunity to go to school. =/ But.. eh, it's.... *cough* I'll just be quiet @_@

So.. today.. we had the big national-swedish-exams! It wasn't really as difficult as I thought it would be.. so I'm okay for now ;3 I felt so tired though since we had to sit in the classroom for a total of 200 minutes without breaks. But I'm ok, I'm ok.

There's only 9 days left to make an application to a certain high school and line. I am verrrrry insecure about my choice even though I've been looking around in catalogs and websites for the right high school and line for me. It's so difficult! I wanted to choose the so called 'art line' but my parents are absolutely against it. I know people tend to say "Follow your dreams, don't listen to the others, JUST FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS FOR GOD'S SAKE!" but... I just can't. Not in this situation.. I mean, it's about my future... and... nothing good is going to come out of it if I choose the 'art line'... I mean.. what am I going to be when I get older??? It's those thoughts! but, I'm so 'school tired' =/ I'm so tired of physics, chemistry, maths, history, geografy etc... I don't have any passion for it at all. I don't feel like I'll be able to handle the 'natural sciences line' or the 'technical sciences line'... 
     The difficult one of all, with tons of homework, is the natural sciences line... the one my sister is currently studying. And.. the one my parents also want me to study in. *sigh* I was thinking of the technical line but.. I don't know anymore. I'm also a language freak.. and so.. I decided to choose the humanistic line. But no. No. My father told me he'd rather want me to study natural sciences and become a doctor....
     Everything is influencing my way of thinking... My friends tell me "Do the things you enjoy. Don't listen to your parents or anyone else, just follow your dreams." My family tells me "Think about your future. This is life, it's not all about having fun." My mentor tells me "You should do the things you enjoy, but you should also think about your future and your future carreer." So.. I'm like.... e___e STOP IT!!! I know they're trying to help me but... now my mind's a mess and I'm more insecure than ever.

Erin even drew a picture for me 0.0

Hahah. seriously. the cutest. thing. someone has ever. done. to me. ♥
I almost cried.. she's got such an innocent way of thinking~
You know what she said to me?
She said "You are going to give this to your dad and tell him that you want to study art! I support you! You should tell him that I made this for you and that he's got to accept your choices! If he doesn't want to accept your choices, then you shall tell him that you'll never forgive him. Promise me you'll show it to him! Look, look! I even signed it with my name!(she did it at the back of the drawing) Now they'll know it was me who drew this. So they can't get mad at you!"
Hahah.. I didn't know what to do.. I just smiled, laughed and agreed... I still haven't shown it to my father yet, neither have I shown it to my mother... But there's still 9 days left to make the application.. so I still have a bit time to think about it...

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