Wednesday, March 27, 2013


This is a "One-conversation" <_< 

--My day was awful 
--I was actually supposed to go to the big library today 
--with my friend 
--unfortunately and fortunately I was ill 
--I was already ill yesterday 
--but not that much 
--so when she asked me if I wanted to go with her 
--I said "yes" 
--because I thought I'd feel better today 
--we decided we'd meet up at 1pm at the busstation 
--and I had a nightmare 
--I couldn't breathe because my throat hurt 
--and I was sitting on this giant bird 
--that dropped me every 10 minutes 
--it hurt. 
--and thenn I dreamt I was late for our 'meeting' at the busstation 
--(Arriving late is my fear ;_; I've had countless of nightmares about arriving late for school.. ;( ) 
--I was like.. 20mins late ;_; 
--but then I woke up 
--and realized it was a dream 
--I was sweating ._. 
--I woke up by the sound of my sister saying "Byebye!" and my mom saying "where are you going?" and her answering "I'll bring my friend with me home" 
--so I panicked 
--because I didn't want to "not be able to go to the bathroom" when her friend arrived 
--because you know.. I'm scared ._. 
--andand.. so I jumped off the bed 
--and went as quickly as possible 
--and ate something really quicky 
--(ok, I didn't eat something.. I drank milk) 
--and went to my room, closed the door 
--so. She and her friend got home 
--and they went to the kitchen 
--because they were going to make something (I dunno, turned out they made these macarons) 
--they SPEND their entire time in the kitchen 
--I suffered 
--I texted my friend 
--saying I got ill, and that I was soosooooso sorry I couldn't go to the library with her 
--so.. I didn't go to the library today 
--which I kiiiind of regret 
--I didn't have any food from 9am till about 6pm 
--If I went to the library I could've bought something small to eat.. 
--I dunno how I could survive 
--I know my sister's friend isn't scary 
--but I didn't want to go in there 
--yes, I know. I'm stupid ;_; but 
-- I'd rather wait for her to leave than to run into the kitchen, grab something to eat, and then run out of there as quickly as possible 
-- ;______; 
--my sister's friend is even younger than me 
--anyways..... o_o; 
--I went back and forth 
--from my room to the living room 
--and annoyed my brothers 
--my brothers didn't dare to go into the kitchen either! 
--but my sister got them some rice and stuff to eat 
--though I got nothing ._. 
--I went to my room again... and I thought of going into the kitchen because I was really, really, REALLY hungry. 
--but no 
--my hunger wasn't strong enough to control me 
-- @_@ 
--I got food at 6 
--before I was able to get my food, my younger brother came knocking on my door saying "I smuggled some coke for you" 
--Yeah, isn't he nice @_@ 
--just kidding, he's not. During my "near-death-experience" thingy he and my other brother came to my room annd annoyed me to the fullest 
--I almost cried ;__; I mean, I was hungry AND weak. 
--Anyways.. so when I got the food. I saw those macarons standing on the table *-* I saw it as a reward for being able to "not bother my sister and her friend while they were baking".
I saw them everywhere, hahah xD

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