Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Branches :3

It's... been.. a long time hasn't it? ;_;
Well, well. I'm still angry with myself about that national-test-thingy.... but.. I've learned that thinking about it and blaming myself won't solve anything. I still feel awful though. *sigh, sigh*
I've tried out the new "zoom-objective-thingy" my dad bought for our camera. I don't even know how to use all those buttons and stuff but... I think I did just fiiine.
Here are some pictures ^ ^
Wait, wait. Just to let you know... I almost burned my eyeball. I zoomed into the sun -_- (yeah, so I suffered a lot when taking those sun-pictures....)
I'm stupid.
I love branches. :3

Here's a "zoom in" to another city called "Malmö".
That tower over there *points at it* (the tall one) is Turning Torso :3.
And the bridge over there is Öresundsbron, the bridge to Denmark c:

And... this is just a random "zoom-in" to some place.. I dunno @_@
Yeah.. so.. Those are pictures of our view from the balcony :''3
For now.... (the new appartments will probably become our new view)
Remember this building?

It has gotten taller.
and.. there will be more of these.... @_@

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