Saturday, November 3, 2012


Finally used my fabric paints for the first time in my life ! >  <
I was soo nervous. @.@ So I decided to make it simple~ ^ ^

I actually made it at Issa's, but since I didn't get the time to finish it ---> I finished it at home. >  <
It was fun! She had a bunny on hers. :3 It was pretty~
...but I couldn't take a picture of it because I didn't dare to... heh..eee..
~I just heard fireworks.... *-*
I didn't do anything else apart from that... except for the usual thing: reading manga .____.
I'mma do the back side of the T-shirt tomorrow! :D (I think...) I hope I'll have the time to... you know.. I postponed my homework the whole week! D: I feel awful now -.-

Haaaah, this song was playing when we were painting :'3

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