Thursday, November 1, 2012


I was at the new shopping centre(?), Emporia, today with my sister and her friends.
It was ok.
and here comes about 33 photos.... (some blurry... because I was in a hurry. If I didn't hurry up they'd leave me. I mean... it's not that hard to forget that I'm even there @.@)

....nothing was really interesting.... (except for the green "place")
...well.. until I found this place (blurry)
My thoughts were "Wow! It's dark in there! and it seems impossible to get in there! but... I see people? e.e" I know, I'm so stupid. Of course there also were OPEN ENTRIES to get in.... I eventually saw it, and lost my interest...
Anyways -.-
So... we went into a cheap store... and... I found this:
They are birds. With feathers. Aw, cute! (kind of)
... but then I saw this:
"Birds for decoration
real feathers"
Why am I attracted to the children's area? ;___;
Lol, look at these monkeys... they looked cheerful (obviously). 
I HAD TO TAKE A SHOT. (blurry though -.-)
"Fashionable" women... (also blurry -.-)
We went to another store and found something unique!! :'3
A skull wearing a tiara?

Didn't buy it though. =] I only planned to buy fabric paint. o3o
butbut... I really wanted to buy these earrings:

BUT I CAN'T! ;__; and I'm glad I didn't... because the price tag on the front is saying the price in "EURO" so you'd be thinking it's in SEK. I mean.. you're thinking SEK instead of EURO because the "EURO" is invisible (lol, confusing). THIS STORE IS TRICKING YOU! My sister saw a bracelet for 9.90 EURO, it didn't stand "euro" so she thought it was in sek. Of course, she bought it... only to pay 99 SEK instead. It was a huge "WHAT?" to her.. @.@ (I felt sorry for her ;__;) She didn't buy anything else after that.....
...she probably gained a tiny bit of happiness... or is it hunger? XD because she said "ooh, these necklaces look tasty..." :P

(I KNOW, BLURRY AS HELL. But whatever TT^TT)
..I started to get bored... so I took a photo of my feet/shoes .___.
Some other shoes came as a bonus in the background, so.. >.> yay?
I GOT HUNGRY! Though, I wasn't sure if I was hungry or if I only had a "back ache". <.<
IT HURT A LOT! Yesterday my stomach was hurting because I couldn't fart... but that's another story. Q.Q
Yupyup, it's no big deal.. I mean... that's life.... .__. (playing around -.-)
Yummyum... see the green thingies? Lol.. frogs... smiling frogs... with red slime coming out of their mouth... looks... tasty e.o

Blueplace, yepyep. The color makes it feel colder than it is @.@

This one was the funniest of them all, HAHAH XD
Looks like a flying ghost-dress with no body.. but with an awfully small head. XD
The end.
I don't really want to talk about the details... ;__; since it's going to be looooong and boring.
But this is what I bought~

I actually thought of only buying the three basic colors (blue, red, yellow) to be able to "create" other different colors.. but... I bought those small bottles instead.. since... the basic colors also were included. but... the one thing I'm wondering is... IS THAT REALLY RED?!?!? It looks like "light red" almost pink/orange! D:

Nothing really went smooth for my sister today.... I mean... she forgot her wallet at home!! She couldn't go back to get it because we already took the train to the other city... she got scolded from dad... she had to buy the bracelet she thought was only 9.90 SEK. She couldn't buy anything else (probably because she felt down?) By the way: we got to borrow the money from her friend (not really our age, she's a mother). Actually... one more thing.. when we were going to order something to eat, we ordered three shrimp-sandwiches and one chocolate muffin, but there were only two shrimp-thingies! so we ordered another type of sandwich.. well.. my sister really wanted the shrimp-sandwich... so I told her "You can take the shrimp-sandwich, I'll take the other one." It's not really a big deal. @.@ but I wish this day was going smoother for her. ;___;

I was often quiet. (ofc) So her friends always said "Why is your sister so quiet?!?!? :P Please talk! *looks at me*" If they say that then I absolutely don't want to talk! I mean.. I don't want to give in ;__; *being childish* What's there to talk about anyways???

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