Monday, February 25, 2013

Earrings =3

Okok, so my dad bought me new earrings because my ears got some growing blood-bubbles at the back .__. (I'm weak against all kinds of metal except silver and gold <_>)
The first earring is actually 97% silver or something... and it's actually one of those long "thread-earrings" where you just leave both of the tails hanging. Though I wanted to double-spin them so it looked like that instead (first picture). It's so difficult to explain ;A;
So he bought me those pearl-silver earrings instead(second picture). I don't know if it's going to make any difference with the blood-bubbles though... I mean.. the other ones were 97% silver already.. so I'm guessing there's something wrong with my ears but ehh.. he bought them for me anyways. @_@ He actually bought me three sizes of those pearl-earrings. And.. since they looked kind of boring I chose to wear one small on my right ear and one big on my left ear X3 Looks funnier that way....even though they're just plain and white...<.< uhhh, I shouldn't be "complaining" about them! I should be happy since he went to the store just to buy them for me~ ^ ^'

Nothing else happened today... Only shocking stuff like.... GETTING TO KNOW I'M GOING TO HAVE THREE TESTS THIS THURSDAY!!! Right in the morning I, and two other classmates, will have an english oral national-test....I haaate oral tests!!! Aaaand after that test we will have a physics test.... and after that physics test there will be some kind of biology-P.E-test......................... *sob*
I will not be able to make it....................................
*takes a deep breath*
Good night.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Wake up early tomorrowww

Okayy, what do we have here....
the girl being cursed by Postponing e_e
Way to go "me"..... *cheer*
No, but seriously.. I'll never be happy if I keep doing this .__.
I've felt guilty the entire one-week-off-school-break because I hadn't done any homework T~T
annd... that means... I haven't been enjoying the break at all... which I should've been doing ò_ó
     It's time for me to go to bed... and tomorrow I'll have to wake up early because I will need some peace to do my homework. Or else it will never be done, EVER. Soo..soo... how's 7am? early enough? Yes. It's going to be great......! *thumbs up* A little bit of "sunrise-shining" during my "homework-doing" would feel great and refreshing ;'3 Ah, I'm getting a bit teary... I'll be very proud of myself if I succeed. I actually tried to do that today.. but I was so sleepy so I shut the alarm off and continued my sleeping for another 2-3 hours. <_> I felt so miserable. I woke up at 12am! It felt as if I'd lost half of my meaningful day T^T And then there was this book I started reading the second I woke up... it got me addicted so I couldn't stop reading and start on my homework instead. My brain really regrets it ._. though my heart doesn't, it's satisfied ♥ I mean, I finished the book!!! yayyy X'3

AWMG. I forgot the time again.... it's 12pm soon è_é
Darn, I hate it when I forget the time whenever I write something..... ;^;
Got to go now!!! (psh, now I'll only get 6-7 hours of sleep =  =)
Goodnight ^ ^'

Thousands of photos on a book

The title says it all :3 (kind of)
.....I've been reading this awesome book since yesterday ^_^
It's a "two books in one" written by Meg Cabot ♥
Click here to get to her official website.
Click here to get to the series I'm currently reading.

For "fast" information about the series I'm currently reading without clicking any links:

What if you got struck by lightning and woke up with the psychic ability to find missing people? High school sophomore Jess Mastriani knows what she doesn't want to do: work for the US government. With the help of hunky Rob (can you really trust a guy you met in detention?), Jess is trying to help people in need.

The Lifetime show Missing was based on this series that Children's Literature calls "full of pop-culture references, suspense, and attitude," and "a great choice for teens looking for a thrill."
Source: (her official website)

I strongly recommend her other series The Mediator. It's seriously one of the best series I have ever read... ;-; I just borrowed the books from the library... though I wish I bought them instead.. which I can... ;o
...I just want to have all those six amazing books in my "collection" *sob* I'll find a way to get them somehow, before they don't sell the books in stores anymore T^T
I read a part of the forth book of Vanished series today ^_^
annd.. when I'm finished I'll only have one more book to gooooo :3

Those were only photos for the sake of prettiness >_>
Okay, the "beginning" of the "reading-photos" starts noww...
(spoilers already... *cough*)

Wow.. it's 1am now... o_o;
I easily forget the time whenever I read............................................
(pshh, I also forget the time whenever I write a post to my blog .____.)
anyways... I shouldn't forget to show off the cupcakes my sister made xD

soooo, nowww.... I'll just say goodnight :'3

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Ok.. that was an awfully lot of shots of just my knitting.. but... eh.. interesting, huh? ;3
It's a half-done scarf ^___^
~I didn't have any homework today... it feels weird... o__o


Little brother is walking there X3

Today was the weirdest day... ever...

Someone farted during the english classes two times so we had to change classrooms. It was like... a SMELLY BOMB.

Picture taken last summer :3
A little girl came up to us when we were about to leave school.
Little girl: Some girl is being mean to me!! ;c
Erin: *looks at me* hahah, why is she telling us this? xD *looks at her* aww, what did she do? :o
Me: Yeah.. tell us.. o_o
Little girl: She called me a brat, and she called me ugly :c
Erin: You know what you have to do in these situations?? >:D You ought to tell her the same thing she told you! >:3
Me: *looks at Erin* No... *looks at her* You shouldn't listen to what she says... I mean.. look at you.. you're really cute. ó_ò
Little girl: Yeah.. my mommy is really cute.. :'c
Me: yeah.. so that means you are too! So she lied.... <:'S
Erin: NO! You have to fight back!! >:o Do what I say, don't listen to her *looks at me with a "shut up" look*
Me: NO! Don't do what she says, listen to meee o_o
Little girl: I'll listen to both of you... :c *looks at me* but you have to tell her she can't call me a brat or ugly :'c Come with me! *starts walking*
Me: *panic* Erin... Erin.. I donn't wannt to ;~;
Erin: Yeah, we have to escape, hahahahah XD It's your fault anyway. So get yourself outta this! >:D
Me: No, seriously!! D';
Little girl: Come on!!!!! ;< *drags my arm and pushes me towards the 'mean' girl surrounded with her friends* Tell her!!!
Me: Erin... *sob*
Little girl: *breathes loudly* tell her!!
Me: (omg, she's going to cry.. she's about to cry ;o;) *looks at the mean girl* you.. you can't.. you can't call this girl ugly.. it's wrong ._.
Mean girl: I didn't call her ugly ;'<
Me: Oh... (awmg, noo.. noo.. she's going to cry too ;-;)
Little girl: did tooo *stands behind me for protection*
Me: *looks at the little girl* Don't think about it too much alright?? You're the cutest girl I've ever seen.. so don't take it to heart...
Mean girl: I did not call her ugly!!! ;'(
The others: *staaaaaaaaaaare*
Little girl: *BREATHES LOUDLY*
Me: omg, omg, don't cry ok? Don't cry *hugs her* Don't cry.. *pats her head*
Erin: hahahahahahahahahahah xD
Me: *sweats*
-Teacher walks by-
Teacher: Awww, what do we have here..? Who is crying? <=)
Me: (thank youuu!!!!!)
*escapes with Erin*

Monday, February 11, 2013

Sing, sing ♫

I'm soo tired....
Today. during sewing classes, a classmate came up to me asking "Can you draw me a star? cuz you know.. you're really good at drawing" because he was going to use it for his 'piece of cloth'. So.. I said "uhh.. yeah, sure", and he gave me a pen & paper. He stood there watching my every move, and so did the teacher and my two friends... So I got really nervous and my hands started to I said "I'm not sure if I can do this... uhh.. blame yourself if it gets ugly D;" Suddenly some other guy behind me said "If Ruzana thinks it's ugly, we'll think it's pretty. So it's ok." And while I was making my first move, the classmate on the other side of the room said "Heyy, Ruzana, are you having a lecture?" and some other guy sitting far behind me started laughing... and I was like "Pardon? D;".
~Sooosooo, I managed to draw one for him... (psst: I thought it was ugly) and he said "Thank you a lot, it's very pretty ;D" and walked away. When all of it was over; I looked at Erin and said "omg, that was so scary... he was watching me D;" and she was like "Everyone was watching you, hahah". So then I realized: Everyone in that class was looking at me! OMG ;o;

Okay.. so I did nothing but trying to create my own song today after school...
Chorus of my own song;

You know I, I,   
I'm falling in love with you baby
In love with you baby
You know I, I,             
I can't stop thinking about your presence
Your laughs, your smiles
your hair, your eyes            
your hands, your arms,
Oh my heart, it warms
You know, you, you are  
so awesomely beautiful~

It seriously... took me.. uhh... about three hours to come up with that + a good melody for it...
(even though it should've been easy.. *sigh* I wanted it to be perfect)
It's homework for music classes, but ugh... the song isn't even finished ._.
I hope she won't get disappointed in me ;o

~Good Night now >__<

PS. He Is We - Prove You Wrong (new fav sooong ;3)

Sunday, February 10, 2013

"I know"


You try to be nice to everyone,
You smile even when you’re in pain.
Although you hide it,
I know, behind your smile
you’re crying.”

Friday, February 8, 2013


I've just finished the physics essay. I'm so tired *yawn*
I mean... it took me literally 4 hours to work on it! And besides, I also had to study a bit for the other national exam tomorrow. *cries* This time it's an essay-exam or whatever you call it.. 0.0
We have to sit in the classroom for 200 minutes again..... *sigh* Ohmaigawd, I'm going to fail! D; I'm such a 'slow starter' in writing essays... My mind always tend to be unorganized...
I even wrote a little 'something' to exercise my brain >_>

Unorganized brain:
Information flies to the right
and then it flies to the left

Bouncing on the 'brain-walls'
up and down
back aaaand forth~

Everywhere in my head; information is happily flying

and me? Well... I'm mentally dying~ 

aaaaaaaaaaaand, a lot of things happened these past days... but I haven't had the time to write anything about it... so I'll do it tomorrow. I'll be revealing everything, and it will be the longest post ever(or not).

Anyways... It's time for me to go to bed now... *yawn yawn yawn yawn*
Here's a little good night song; acoustic gangnam style version by Jayesslee ;3

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Poisonous Physics, and choices of life

I'm doing physics at the moment.. (ok, not right now. Just taking a break for awhile x3)
I know I shouldn't complain about homework.. since there are lots of kids who don't even have the opportunity to go to school. =/ But.. eh, it's.... *cough* I'll just be quiet @_@

So.. today.. we had the big national-swedish-exams! It wasn't really as difficult as I thought it would be.. so I'm okay for now ;3 I felt so tired though since we had to sit in the classroom for a total of 200 minutes without breaks. But I'm ok, I'm ok.

There's only 9 days left to make an application to a certain high school and line. I am verrrrry insecure about my choice even though I've been looking around in catalogs and websites for the right high school and line for me. It's so difficult! I wanted to choose the so called 'art line' but my parents are absolutely against it. I know people tend to say "Follow your dreams, don't listen to the others, JUST FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS FOR GOD'S SAKE!" but... I just can't. Not in this situation.. I mean, it's about my future... and... nothing good is going to come out of it if I choose the 'art line'... I mean.. what am I going to be when I get older??? It's those thoughts! but, I'm so 'school tired' =/ I'm so tired of physics, chemistry, maths, history, geografy etc... I don't have any passion for it at all. I don't feel like I'll be able to handle the 'natural sciences line' or the 'technical sciences line'... 
     The difficult one of all, with tons of homework, is the natural sciences line... the one my sister is currently studying. And.. the one my parents also want me to study in. *sigh* I was thinking of the technical line but.. I don't know anymore. I'm also a language freak.. and so.. I decided to choose the humanistic line. But no. No. My father told me he'd rather want me to study natural sciences and become a doctor....
     Everything is influencing my way of thinking... My friends tell me "Do the things you enjoy. Don't listen to your parents or anyone else, just follow your dreams." My family tells me "Think about your future. This is life, it's not all about having fun." My mentor tells me "You should do the things you enjoy, but you should also think about your future and your future carreer." So.. I'm like.... e___e STOP IT!!! I know they're trying to help me but... now my mind's a mess and I'm more insecure than ever.

Erin even drew a picture for me 0.0

Hahah. seriously. the cutest. thing. someone has ever. done. to me. ♥
I almost cried.. she's got such an innocent way of thinking~
You know what she said to me?
She said "You are going to give this to your dad and tell him that you want to study art! I support you! You should tell him that I made this for you and that he's got to accept your choices! If he doesn't want to accept your choices, then you shall tell him that you'll never forgive him. Promise me you'll show it to him! Look, look! I even signed it with my name!(she did it at the back of the drawing) Now they'll know it was me who drew this. So they can't get mad at you!"
Hahah.. I didn't know what to do.. I just smiled, laughed and agreed... I still haven't shown it to my father yet, neither have I shown it to my mother... But there's still 9 days left to make the application.. so I still have a bit time to think about it...

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Belle Nuntita

Thailand's got talent; Belle Nuntita chocked everyone.
A documentary:
"It gets better", a movie about her life as a transgender (not the full movie):
"เสียงที่เปลี่ยน" aka "Change of voice" ~ Her first single:
"Change of voice" cuts from interviews:
One of her other songs (cute MV xD) :
So, so.. yeah. Just thought I had to share ^ ^
~I'm cheering her on! Belle Nuntita fighting! :'3