Thursday, September 27, 2012

Is it jealousy?

The morning assemble was okay... but I talked a bit too long. I know they thought it was boring to listen to me.. When I talked, my tounge 'slipped' a few times. It was a nightmare, I never want to go up there again! >.<
I hated all the attention they gave me... I felt kind of embarrassed when it was over. I knew they wanted it to end quickly but when they were aplauding.... I just couldn't help but feeling relieved. Applauding is a natural thing to do, I know. But I was still relieved... >.<
For tomorrow, we had to write a report about the "gene technology" and so I wrote one. I don't know what the point is with the "word counting". I mean, everyone in class are so interested in how many words you use in your report. ô.ò I don't think it matters how many words you are using, the only thing that matters is the content. @-@ A classmate of mine asked me happily "Can I see how many words you've got on your report? =D =D" so, I said "sure...." and showed him. There were probably more words than him since his face expression changed from =D to =l. Guess what he told me?? He said "You're not Wikipedia, you know." and walked away just like that.... and I was like.... (._.)''

And then during lunch at the dining hall he said to his friends "Just look at her. She thinks she's the best when she's not, blablabla. Omg, she likes showing off". But Erin told me "I thought he was being nice to you again, but apparently not. I was wrong. He's still the same... I mean thinking you're showing off. Don't think too much about it. He's just jealous of you." Oh, I knew he wasn't planning on being nice to me all the time. What's wrong with him?!?!? Why is he always telling me "stop showing off, so now you're trying to make the teachers like you??, stop being such a nerd, you're not as good as you think you are, you're probably just being nice around the teachers" etc?!?!? I HATE HIM! ò ó
Did I do anything wrong?!?!? -.- I hate people like him. Almost every guy in our class are "hacking" on me for being a "nerd".
I'm trying to think positive, I'm trying to ignore... I'm trying not to care... although it irritates me when they call me whore... (they use wrong words .__. I mean... I'm not a whore -.-) but anyways I can't ignore, it doesn't work. I want to transfer, now. But it's too late for that... Why am I so weak....?

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