Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Old Conversation

I just found a very old conversation I had with a friend . . @_@ I can't believe I saved it.
HAHAH, I feel so creepy now ;o; I just saved the "ending" though <.<
Omg, it's so funny how embarrassing I used to be!!! -facepalm- ._.
Anyways... I'm the red and my friend's the blue. I don't even know why I'm sharing this...
....probably because it contains very cool videos :D


okay XD



she's crying!!! D=

well she neglected them for so long D=

It's sad ._.

I know ._.

have you heard virtual 3D sound or how you call it? >.>

is that like... dolby surround? XD

DOLBY? ._.

give me an example or something XD

got headphones? I just wanted to show you this... =D

all set :o



I haaaaaaaave XD

and then, and then..! XD go to this link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8IXm6SuUigI
PS. You listen to it too! <_< It's really awesome. Follow the instructions below first though! ;_;

and then, close your eyes while listening! =))
PS. Okay, listen to it now!! :o


I just looked to the right freaky ._>

XD keep ur eyes shut!!! 3=

I feel bald now รด.o


the bag scared me tho XD

hahahahahah, the whispering made me uncomfortable XD

yeah that ws kind of nasty too XD

but that was awesome P=

Ikr ◡≦

do you know who Ellen Degeneres is? ._.

first thing comes to mind is...


am I wrong? XD

nope, you're right xd

She's funny =D

she's not on tv much over here =p

we get oprah a lot -.o

HAHA, where do you live? :o

this really cool place :o

it has people

and trees!

yeah, that's cool... My cousins thought there weren't any trees here. ._.

wait so there are trees in Sweden o_O

this is madness!


anyway... x'd I dunno if you have the same humor as I do.. but YOU GOTTA WATCH THIS !!!


omg looks so real XD

I saw twilight... the first one >.>

my friend Marc loves it <.<


how about you? XD

no guy would ever admit liking twilight P=

except for marc ._.

pffffhahahahhahahhahah xd

let me guess


no? :o

Not really, I've only read the books... and seen the first one ._.

the books are better, yep, yep =3

oh almost like me XD except I didn't read the books

Lol, "almost" XDD

I thiiiiiink when twilight came out... we could have gone to two movies for school

I already saw I am Legend, so we went to Twilight ._.

ahah =p

the only funny thing was when one of my friends walked out of the cinema =P

was it THAT bad? 'o'

........ we're guys P=


no, no nvm ._.

but? but? but?

nothing ._.

aw :c

you are very secretive yourself ^.^

I have an image to maintain ;o

sure, sure XD isn't that the line you used on ur other account? (.)

oh yeeeeaaaaaah xD

I forgot about that one P=

I have a great memory =3
PS. I can't believe I typed that <_<

Kaini or something I think?

anyway time for me to go


corpse party time :o

okay, see ya e.e

no wait :x

corpse party is a PSP game don't worry

not homocide XD


good to know =D

anyway, nice talking to you :>

been fun XD

see ya later ;>

yeah =D take care!

you too! :3

--- Recipient become offline ---

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