Monday, January 28, 2013


I got irritated and mad today..
I found out that Erin cut her wrists.. that she hated her life, and she wanted to die... so I felt really sad. I'm a bad friend. I didn't know what to do....or how to react.. so I just yelled at her, telling her she was selfish if she ever thought of committing suicide. What else could I do..? I feel so... useless.
     and.. also.. my mom didn't cut my hair for me today. So I got a bit irritated. And besides, she even told me I had to go with them to Thailand this summer.. even though she promised me I wouldn't have to... (there are a lot of reasons why I don't want to go... like bad experiences mind is a mess at the moment so I can't explain it properly.)
There were so many bad news at once... I couldn't take it.. so I just lost control, took the scissors and cut my hair. I mean.. I was so mad, I was about to cry.. so I had to prevent the tears, somehow, and release my anger. At least I solved one problem...

Hahah.. took me three hours to get a hold of myself.
I'm off to bed. Good Night =l

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