Tuesday, January 22, 2013


My younger brother is just too cute HAHAH.
~I went out of my room to get a glass of milk, and on my way back ---> I saw him come out of my room with one of my old socks(don't ask me why...) in his hands and being very fishy. So I asked him "What did you do in my room...? e_e" and he's like "Nothing.. I just wanted to help you clean up your old socks.." *shows it to me*
I still didn't believe him so I told him "No. Be honest... You did something else in my room didn't you? e_e" and he replies with "No... I just wanted to scare you... but it took too long for you to get back so I gave up... >.<"
PffttHAHAHAH, I just brust out laughing!!! X'3

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