Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Nightmare - Teachers turning into killers

I dreamt that I went to school as usual, but I didn't see any familiar faces.

We were going to have exams (oral exams). All the students were lining up to go into the classroom and take the exam, one by one. Once the first student had gone into the classroom, I heard a shot. After a few seconds an announcement was made. I got the information that the Swedish government had changed the school system AGAIN. They changed it into "those students who doesn't get an A on this exam will get killed". (YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW SCARED I WAS) And then a few more students went into that classroom and got killed. They got shot in their throats... so all of those students who were left ran to hide themselves. I was hiding with this girl who seemed to be my best friend. The teacher found us and said it was her turn to go in, so she went in..... and then she came out. She didn't get killed because she got an A.
"How did you manage it?" I asked her.
"I cheated" she said.
She said she'd gone into the teacher's room and taken all of those papers of  the answers to the exam.
"Aren't you scared you'll get caught?!?!??!??!?!??!? ARE YOU STUPID?!?!?" I said...
"No, it's alright. Here, you can cheat too. I don't want you to die" she said.... but I said "no" (because... NO, I just can't cheat ok).
     So.... it was my turn. I went into the classroom and answered all of the questions but I didn't get an A. I got a B instead. So the teacher picked up her gun and I realized I was going to die! (So I woke up (kind of) and I tried to tell myself "it's only a dream, it's okay, it's only a dream" but then I fell asleep again and it felt real again. so... I went back to that scene.) She shot me. My throat started bleeding but it didn't hurt (It was strange, because I always feel pain whenever something happens to me in my dreams... like that one time when I got shot by Saddam Hussein. That nightmare had the same theme. Okay, not really, it was more like "All those students who gets an A on their Swedish exam will be hunted down and killed by Saddam Hussein". (I got shot at the beach and it hurt so badly...) Back to the story....)      So that girl who seemed to be my best friend took my hand and dragged me out of there. She told me we had to run so we ran away and went behind the school building. The principal was standing there with the other teachers discussing some stuff.... Suddenly that girl stopped and told me we couldn't continue the run because she had the "cheating-papers" in her hand, and she was afraid she was going to get caught. So I told her we should hide them. We went to this "sand pile", dug a hole, hid the papers in there, and put the sand back to cover the papers. Some of the teachers found us and asked us what we were doing. We said "nothing" (of course) but then one of them found the papers and started to rage... (So I woke up again (kind of) and told myself "it's only a dream!!!!! wake up, wake up, don't fall asleep, please!!" But I fell asleep again and the nightmare continued.) So by now all the other students at our school had died. We were the only ones left, and the only thing we could do was to run away to an island and hope for the teachers not to find us. We ran, but that teacher who raged followed us with his KNIFE. He ran so fast and he caught my leg.... The girl(my best friend who I've never seen before in real life) hit him on his head with some kind of hammer she had gotten out of nowhere... (you know... anything can happen in dreams... *shrugs*) So we went to a small store and bought ourselves a boat....
     Suddenly we were in the middle of the sea in that boat. There were a lot of other students from other schools, too, who was trying to escape like us. We were all on our way to that island.... and this teacher.... he jumped on his own boat and followed us. (HE NEVER GAVE UP) And apparently, he didn't want to sit in his own boat any longer and jumped on OUR boat with his KNIFE and tried to stab me. The girl hit his head with her hammer and he almost fell off into the sea. But no. He was still there, hanging on the edge of the boat like the stubborn "human being" he was... and then I suddenly had my own hammer so I spammed him with the "hammer-hits" so he started bleeding everywhere. The girl kicked him and he finally fell off. So we came to this island, and yessss we were safe!!!!! (Finally, finally ;__;) Some of the other students who also made it there were playing baseball so we watched the game in silence till the nightmare ended.

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