Friday, May 10, 2013


Yes, I bought 4 T-shirts today :D
Lol, my dad thought it was weird of me to voluntarily go with him and my brother into town since I usually never want to ._______.

Sososososoooo, I bought........:
~~~~~~ 2 white ones, size S
They were too big for me even though they were size S. But it's okay because I like big shirts :D
I wasn't really that happy with them though, I mean they're... eh.... a bit transparent ;____; I guess it's fine ;A; I'm going to paint on them :)
~~~~~~ 1 grey, size M
Awmg, what's wrong with me? Size S is already big for me so why did I choose M?
My answer to that question is: There weren't any grey ones with the small size, so... that's why I chose medium. e_e It's bigger than the white ones(obviously). But... not transparent so it's okay ^ ^
Those three shirts were in the section "Buy three for 99!" x3 (purchased at Stadium)
~~~~~~ 1 black, size S (My favorite, purchased at Intersport)
I love the picture on it ><
~~~~~~ annnnd I also bought a bracelet and a tiny dice thingy as a present for Erin since her birthday is on Tuesday next week (May 14th) :3
Uhm............... the cashier wrapped it up for me so..... I can't really show the content xD
It was purchased in a book store :3

I haven't really done anything other than going into town to buy those ^
Okay, I lied. I also read manga the whole day(except during the "shopping")

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