Thursday, May 23, 2013

The Activity day + books!

Today was the "activity day" at school. Like I said yesterday, we played football ;_;
I barely did anything... I did try though! I kicked the ball from their feet several times. *-*
*not proud*
My team won xD We won this tiny little chocolate thingy.
*picks it up to show you how tiny it really was*
Last year my team won also '-' We won pineapples and a bigger version of that chocolate we won today. I feel blessed to always be with the winning team. No, just kidding, not really.... I don't feel like I deserve those prizes because I suck at all the sports! >< (except badminton <3)

I'm happy today even though I played the sport I hate the most(football ><) since my books arrived! :D
Soso happy *Q*

And alsooo, my younger brother bought me this ><
Hahah ^-^

Anyways... The Mediator Series and the 1-800-WHERE-R-YOU Series written by Meg Cabot are seriously the best books I've ever read! I have all of them now !!! :D:D You should seriously check them out! Especially if you like those supernatural stuff and romance of course ;3 The romance is the best in The Mediator Series !

Also, there's this book called "Between The Lines" written by Jodi Picoult and Samantha Van Leer. I haven't read it, but it seems good too!
Delilah is a bit of a loner who prefers spending her time in the school library with her head in a book—one book in particular. Between the Lines may be a fairy tale, but it feels real. Prince Oliver is brave, adventurous, and loving. He really speaks to Delilah.

     And then one day Oliver actually speaks to her. Turns out, Oliver is more than a one-dimensional storybook prince. He’s a restless teen who feels trapped by his literary existence and hates that his entire life is predetermined. He’s sure there’s more for him out there in the real world, and Delilah might just be his key to freedom.

     Delilah and Oliver work together to attempt to get Oliver out of his book, a challenging task that forces them to examine their perceptions of fate, the world, and their places in it. And as their attraction to each other grows along the way, a romance blossoms that is anything but a fairy tale.
Source: goodreads

I'm definitely going to buy that book someday! 

Bleh, I have French exams tomorrow ><
Goodnight! ^^

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