Monday, May 6, 2013

Special Week

Hello :3
I haven't been blogging regularly and I am sorry for that O.O
The truth is --> everyday is just like any other day so there's not really much to talk about here.
Hmm... This week is a bit "unordinary" though! This week is only a three-days-school-week if you know what I mean '-' so... the students get to choose by themselves what they want to do! There weren't 927589375 alternatives to choose between, only a few.
These were the alternatives:

  1. Art (literally translated to "picture" or "photograph" or "image" but it is art... kinda... it's about being creative) ---(creating movies -if I remember correctly)
  2. P.E ---(doing activities such as swimming, fishing etc)
  3. Sewing classes ---(Runaway Project, sewing our own piece of clothing)
  4. Crafting classes ---(creating games & small stuff out of wood and metal)
  5. Music (visiting the "culture school" (literally translated) and try out different types of instruments I guess?))

I chose the "Runaway Project" thingy :3
So today we spent the whole day sewing. It was a lot of fun. It wasn't really the HAHAHAHAHAHA kind of fun, more like the lalalalala~ kind of fun. (if that makes any sense) Okay. I honestly don't know what "fun" should be defined as. Two days ago I was told by one of my friends that I didn't know what fun was. e_e (I told him exams were fun once you knew the answers to the questions, but then he told me that was just the feeling of relief, not "fun". So I was like.. okay. OKAY. e_e)
so... I'm sewing a.... (how the hell should I say this...) uhm... I'm just gonna draw it quickly and show. '-'
Something like that.... <_<
(the "finished product" will probably look uglier than this but eh... let's hope it'll turn out well ><)
I actually wanted the fabric to be black but... if I were to wear it in the summer it would be too hot since black is the color that absorbs the sun's warmth the most. And I'd really like to wear it during any season so byebye black ;_; The second color of my choice was actually white, but.... it would get dirty pretty easy(since it's white) so I chose the color between black and white which is grey. <_< (good enough *nod, nod*) And awmg. I really wanted the wings to be black >< but.... hmm.... I don't know if it would look weird since the inside of the hood is white and the ears also. kjsdufioweufheliruhflkreylituekjdslso ;__;
I don't want to be an "angelic cat", I want to be a "devilish cat".................................. ><
Okay, we'll see how it'll turn out. ^ ^'
Today at school I came as far as sewing the front and back together, and the hood's pieces together. Now I'll have to sew the hood to the body and then the pocket too.... and the thingy on the bottom (which will be pretty tight, I have no idea how to explain that). Once it's done I'll only have the ears and wings left!! ><
I wish I could take photos of the progress xD (maybe I can? o.o)
Anyways.... I have to go now ;o We have maths national exams tomorrow, yay. e_e It's for 60mins so... apparently everyone in 9th grade will lose 60mins of their fun (from the alternatives they chose from above ^).
*wishing you a wonderful day* ^_________^

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