Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Unusually "busy" day + Movie: Mama

Random pictures taken during our break xP (Isn't that tree just cute? :3)

( Hello :3 )
I went to school as usual, and sewed until 12.18 (I remember the exact time because I was the only one left who hadn't finished my thing so I stood there in that room, alone (okay, not really, my friends were waiting for me(I feel sorry for them because we were actually supposed to eat lunch at 12.05)), with a needle in my hand and it was so exhausting so I kept asking what the time was.) -Sorry if I made you confused.
     I'm almost finished with it. I only have the tiny wings left :3 I brought it home so I'm going to take a picture of it tomorrow ^ ^ (my phone needs to charge and I don't know where the Nikon camera is)

The "show" was at one. Only two in our group felt like walking on the "catwalk" so those two were the only ones wearing their piece of clothes on stage. The rest of us had pictures taken, not of ourselves though, we had other students wearing them instead of us xD

At two, after school, I came home and chilled for an hour before I went over to my friend's house. We were going to watch a horror movie together. I went to her at three to prepare the brownies and the movie since I didn't have anything better to do anyway. My other friend arrived at five and we watched the horror movie called "Mama". It was so sad and emotional. I cried .__. and jumped out of fear like 4-5 times (you know, those "jump-scares" .... -.-) I thought I'd die with a heart attack... ;_; But... the movie was great! :3 I loved it! It was so worth watching ;u;

Title: Mama
Genre: Horror

Sypnosis taken from IMDb:
Annabel and Lucas are faced with the challenge of raising his young nieces that were left alone in the forest for 5 years.... but how alone were they?

(PS. You should definitely read this amazing review if you feel "eh..." by watching it)
Warning: It contains spoilers (but it's stated, so rest assured)

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