Thursday, May 16, 2013


The beauty of these flowers are just... stunning.♥
~(random pictures I took on my way home from school xD)~

During the Swedish lesson today, in the morning, my class/history/geography/sociology-teacher came into the classroom and told me to follow him. At first I was thinking like... "Have I- Have I done anything wrong? ;_;" but he had a big smile on his face so it couldn't be... and then I thought "No.... why is he smiling? Is he about to give me a mission? Please no... ;_;". I froze outside of his "office" and he said "Come on in". So I went in. I saw books laying everywhere on the floor so I thought for myself "He isn't going to make me sort out the books, is he???? T-T". And then he started off with saying "You know we have this tradition in school right.....?". So I was thinking "What are you trying to get at...? *suspicious*". I don't know how I knew it, I just knew it. And let me tell you, it was really weird. I never really paid much attention to the traditions of our school so I knew nothing about it, but still... somehow I managed to figure out what he wanted me to do. I thought of those speechdays on the "graduation days of 9th graders" and the thought just hit me. It hit me within 2-3 seconds. He wanted me to prepare a speech for that day. The words were just exploding out of my mouth "No way! No way I'm going to do that! I don't want to!". And he finally said what he wanted me to do. Exactly as I feared it was about the speech....... He asked me if I wanted to do it. He didn't force me or anything of course '-' but he tried his best to convince me =   = He was like "It's okay, I'll help you with the writing of the speech. You won't have to write it yourself, and you won't be talking in front of everybody alone either. You'll do it with someone else in the class so you'll be two :)" So... I agreed to it ;_____________; (I just can't say "no" properly . . . .) When I was about to go he said "Wait! This is top secret, okay? You can't tell anyone about it. Not even your friends or parents. Remember. It's TOP SECRET." So I was like *nod, nod* "I won't tell anyone."
BUT HERE I AM. EXPOSING THE TOP SECRET *evil laughter* e_e (it's fine, I haven't told anyone else x3)

After the Swedish lesson I had the last part of the national maths exams. It was about solving some problems and stuff. It went better than I thought! ;) Well... at least that's what I think. Of course the results could be a lot different than I imagine. But anyways.... we got about 100mins to make the exams and there were like 11 questions (at least that's what the teachers said) Its starting point was on question 19 so...... ._______.
     IT WAS SO TIRING. I almost gave up on the last question but I fought and fought with my brain and succeeded!!!!!! :D :D :D I'm so happy! I actually sat there the last second scribbling down all the numbers while my hand was shaking from the stress & my brain was doing its best not to forget what the steps for the calculation was. *phew* I managed it~ and... I hope the results will be good too, of course.......... I'm not entirely happy though since I gave up on a question which I could get 3 A points for. But uh... if I didn't give up on it I wouldn't have had enough time to finish the other ones.... and besides... I never really intended to give up on it for real. I'd intended on getting back at it after I'd done all the other questions, but the time ended (or how you say it) and I ended up not calculating that question after all. Butbutbut at least I started making the notes for it so I'll probably also get some points for that? '-' I mean... the maths teacher did imply that we would get points even if we just started to make notes for the unfinished calculation sooooooooooooo :3

Wow. I kinda have a problem with writing. I just can't write anything without getting carried away and write too much of it..... in details..... which is unnecessary stuff... I'm kinda doing it right now too... o_o;
Gotta stop ><

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