Sunday, May 26, 2013

The Bystander

She sees, she watches
She hears, she listens
She observes her surroundings
She puts it to her memories
All of it
She remembers you, you and you,
including you
She remembers your faces
She remembers your names just from hearing them once
She knows who you are
You don't know her name
You don't remember her face
You don't remember her,
because you don't know who she is
She's just a bystander
You don't know she exists

If she sees you on the streets she'll immediately recognize you
She'll be happy just from being able to spot you in the crowd.
Your familiar face makes her feel like she's not alone,
because her imagination says she's familiar to you too.

In this person's mind, there's more than you can imagine
Within those memories of hers, there's more than you know
In that heart of hers, there's more pain, complaints, dissatisfies & regrets than you can ever imagine.
She just keeps quiet about it.
She doesn't show it, she just feels it.
It's a pain, but whan can she do?
No one notices what's in the shadows.
No one cares.
She's just the quiet & uninteresting person,
the person who's by herself,
the person who's watching the play,
the bystander.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Anime Convention gone kduofhdj

There's an Anime Convention ongoing right now. It began yesterday(Friday). Me and my friend were going there to buy the ticket to be able to get in. They actually started to line up in front of the school, that the convention would be at, already at 4 or 5pm. And they were going to open up the doors at 7pm. Me and my friend arrived there at 7.30. But they hadn't opened up the doors yet so the line was soooo long. We had to wait for like an hour before they informed us that they had some problems with stuff so they couldn't open up yet. So.... we waited there in that line.... a lot of people came cosplaying so it was fun, in the beginning... As minutes and minutes passed by... it was getting colder and colder... We had to wait in the line for 3-4 hours! What's worse; in the cold. They didn't open up until 22.00, and when they had opened only two people got in once at a time. So.... it took 45 minutes till we reached the steps to the front door. My feet hurt and my back hurt, and I was freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezing. I actually wanted to go home but my friend just didn't want to. She said "We've been waiting here for 2hours, so I'm not going home until I get that damn ticket!". So I'm like... okay.... ;_; That day was the only day they were selling those "whole-weekend-ticket" so that you could join the convention on Friday, Saturday and Sunday... so.. she just had to get that ticket...

Look, we had to stand there until the sun went down.... It was windy also.........
Anyways.. =  =
Ignore my "arm hair" =_=
When we finally got our "bracelet ticket"(the green&pink one) we just went home. I mean.. I was soooooooooo tired... my legs felt like jelly. and my "back-hurting" made me feel like an old woman... So when I came home I just had to sleep right after I'd eaten, since I hadn't eaten anything at all before I went there...........

Sosososoooooooo. When I woke up today I had a headache.. I woke up by the vibration of my phone ringing beside my pillow. My friend was calling me to ask when we were going to the convention again. So.. I had to get up (even though I wanted to sleep 385099723hours more) and get dressed before she came and pressed the door bell... so, I took the medicine before we left but... oh dear, the medicine only helped against the headache I had.... but not against the "stomach ache". I went around for 5hours with my stomach aching to the fullest without any complaint until around 3pm (we arrived there at 10pm). I tried so hard not to make those faces that showed my pain so my friend was not aware of it.. but once I told her my stomach hurt she just... didn't listen.... Anyways.... I bought some stuff at the convention.
A "Sasuke-bookmark", a "potion-necklace" and an iPhone case. The iPhone case is for my other friend who didn't come with us to the convention. ^ ^' I hope she'll like it :I

To be honest, I didn't really have a good time considering the horrible state I was in. We didn't really do anything special... we only went around, looking at stuff they were selling, went to the drawing room, oh! I found some nice drawings there by the way :3

!and we also went to the karaoke room... and then we went home because I was at my limit, so I called my dad to get me home. I just had to stay there because my friend's parents said she wasn't allowed to be at the convention if I wasn't.... so if I went home, she also had to go home.... that's why I had to stay there with her. I just didn't want to ruin her fun... which I did in the end...

Thursday, May 23, 2013

The Activity day + books!

Today was the "activity day" at school. Like I said yesterday, we played football ;_;
I barely did anything... I did try though! I kicked the ball from their feet several times. *-*
*not proud*
My team won xD We won this tiny little chocolate thingy.
*picks it up to show you how tiny it really was*
Last year my team won also '-' We won pineapples and a bigger version of that chocolate we won today. I feel blessed to always be with the winning team. No, just kidding, not really.... I don't feel like I deserve those prizes because I suck at all the sports! >< (except badminton <3)

I'm happy today even though I played the sport I hate the most(football ><) since my books arrived! :D
Soso happy *Q*

And alsooo, my younger brother bought me this ><
Hahah ^-^

Anyways... The Mediator Series and the 1-800-WHERE-R-YOU Series written by Meg Cabot are seriously the best books I've ever read! I have all of them now !!! :D:D You should seriously check them out! Especially if you like those supernatural stuff and romance of course ;3 The romance is the best in The Mediator Series !

Also, there's this book called "Between The Lines" written by Jodi Picoult and Samantha Van Leer. I haven't read it, but it seems good too!
Delilah is a bit of a loner who prefers spending her time in the school library with her head in a book—one book in particular. Between the Lines may be a fairy tale, but it feels real. Prince Oliver is brave, adventurous, and loving. He really speaks to Delilah.

     And then one day Oliver actually speaks to her. Turns out, Oliver is more than a one-dimensional storybook prince. He’s a restless teen who feels trapped by his literary existence and hates that his entire life is predetermined. He’s sure there’s more for him out there in the real world, and Delilah might just be his key to freedom.

     Delilah and Oliver work together to attempt to get Oliver out of his book, a challenging task that forces them to examine their perceptions of fate, the world, and their places in it. And as their attraction to each other grows along the way, a romance blossoms that is anything but a fairy tale.
Source: goodreads

I'm definitely going to buy that book someday! 

Bleh, I have French exams tomorrow ><
Goodnight! ^^

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Pinkyyyyyy + Me? Role Model?

The pink flowers' leaves are falllinngggg ;_____;
but they're still as beautiful & pretty as ever, on the ground <3

They were like... all over the ground!!!! *Q*
(and... these were the ones taken from my phone )

There can never be too many pictures :'3
And this is at school  (you can't really see the "pinkies" so clear xD)
Anyways... so...
Today wasn't anything special...
Except for that during English class we watched a movie called "The Full Monty". A movie about male strippers...... mostly.... e___e The teacher chose that movie because she thought it was fun to watch o.o I didn't think it was that funny to watch though... since I spent most of the time covering my eyes with my hands to prevent myself from seeing naked male butts. ;______; awmg.

During the French today, my "French-classmate-from-8th-grade" said I was her role model ;A; She said she looked up to me because she thought I had good grades on everything, and was good at everything!!!!!!! so I was thinking like "O__O; NO! DON'T LOOK UP TO ME. THERE'S NOTHING SPECIAL ABOUT ME!" ;____________; hwah. And she forcefully hugged me too and said "I'm going to miss you when you graduate 9th grade D: We're going to be separated......." .______. And then she spent most of the lesson talking to me about high school and which program I'd chosen. She also said she was jealous of my eyes ._______________________. She likes asian eyes, that's what she said o.o

Tomorrow will be an "activity day" in which everyone from 6th grade to 9th grade will be playing football until lunch....... yay, it will be so much fun! -___- I'm going to die mentally....

Monday, May 20, 2013

The Ending Is Near

I picked this giant weird shaped three clover on my way home today x3
I just thought it was time to get those "summer pictures". Oh yeah.
The ending of 9th grade is near
Can't wait ! ><
Soon, I'll be able to start anew at my new school ^ ^ I mean.... nobody will know each other so isn't it time to be yourself without being afraid of what others think? :3 Ugh, I hope high school won't be as horrible as everyone seem to think. ;-; I'm a bit scared. I finally came to a decision of which program in high school I would be attending. I chose technology. The program where the majority is guys. =  = I just chose the program I was most interested in... but now I'm regretting it a little. I mean, I don't want to experience this all over again(the thing about a class with mostly guys & the violance + bullying because they look down on girls). I just don't want to.... but at the same time I feel the "just do what you enjoy, nothing else matters".
Wish me luck.
I'm attending there in about three months..........................................

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Eurovision "celebration" in town 14-18 May.

Hello ^^
Do you watch Eurovision Song Contest?
Me neither.
But... they have the contest in Malmö this year since Sweden won last year. I know that because Malmö is really close to where I live and because my younger brother had applied to the "school eurovision contest" thingy and got to see them practise, before the real thing, in Malmö. :)

Okay, so.. they also put up these stalls with stuff to buy here in the city I'm living in. The stalls were owned by different countries and they were selling different stuff. I only remember a few countries and those were Germany(they sold jewerly,, scarves), Greece(dunno), Italy(dunno, food?), Spain(dunno, probably food too), France(soap and parfumes), Great Britain (fudge), and strangely I saw Thailand too .___. (they sold food). Some sold plates too, but I don't remember which country it was.

I went there yesterday too, so I thought I'd write a post today.
But I didn't buy anything today... which I should have... if I made there in time.... which I didn't -.-
Anyways, yesterday I bought fudge from Great Britain, a necklace from Germany and my sister bought soap from France and earrings from Germany ^ ^
Most of the photos I took was of Great Britain's fudge.

Look, they had Cappuchino too 
They also had wasabi taste Awmg o_o; I wonder what it tastes like xD (didn't buy it though)
Okay... basically there were only pictures of The British Fudge Company xD

Got home with this in my hand :D

And then these too 
(the earrings were my sister's)

Yay xD
I love that Amazonite stone! >< It's so pretty ;u;

Okayyyyy, this year I watched a bit of the Eurovision Song Contest. Annnnd Malta was actually my favorite number. 

"Tomorrow" by Gianluca Bezzina
I mean... seriously... he and his music just makes me soso happy >< 
He seems like a positive & happy person :'3

Sweden's song is also quite good ^^
~You by Robin Stjernberg (this version is actually more like an aucoustic version o.o)

Okay, I'm cheering for those two xD

Thursday, May 16, 2013


The beauty of these flowers are just... stunning.♥
~(random pictures I took on my way home from school xD)~

During the Swedish lesson today, in the morning, my class/history/geography/sociology-teacher came into the classroom and told me to follow him. At first I was thinking like... "Have I- Have I done anything wrong? ;_;" but he had a big smile on his face so it couldn't be... and then I thought "No.... why is he smiling? Is he about to give me a mission? Please no... ;_;". I froze outside of his "office" and he said "Come on in". So I went in. I saw books laying everywhere on the floor so I thought for myself "He isn't going to make me sort out the books, is he???? T-T". And then he started off with saying "You know we have this tradition in school right.....?". So I was thinking "What are you trying to get at...? *suspicious*". I don't know how I knew it, I just knew it. And let me tell you, it was really weird. I never really paid much attention to the traditions of our school so I knew nothing about it, but still... somehow I managed to figure out what he wanted me to do. I thought of those speechdays on the "graduation days of 9th graders" and the thought just hit me. It hit me within 2-3 seconds. He wanted me to prepare a speech for that day. The words were just exploding out of my mouth "No way! No way I'm going to do that! I don't want to!". And he finally said what he wanted me to do. Exactly as I feared it was about the speech....... He asked me if I wanted to do it. He didn't force me or anything of course '-' but he tried his best to convince me =   = He was like "It's okay, I'll help you with the writing of the speech. You won't have to write it yourself, and you won't be talking in front of everybody alone either. You'll do it with someone else in the class so you'll be two :)" So... I agreed to it ;_____________; (I just can't say "no" properly . . . .) When I was about to go he said "Wait! This is top secret, okay? You can't tell anyone about it. Not even your friends or parents. Remember. It's TOP SECRET." So I was like *nod, nod* "I won't tell anyone."
BUT HERE I AM. EXPOSING THE TOP SECRET *evil laughter* e_e (it's fine, I haven't told anyone else x3)

After the Swedish lesson I had the last part of the national maths exams. It was about solving some problems and stuff. It went better than I thought! ;) Well... at least that's what I think. Of course the results could be a lot different than I imagine. But anyways.... we got about 100mins to make the exams and there were like 11 questions (at least that's what the teachers said) Its starting point was on question 19 so...... ._______.
     IT WAS SO TIRING. I almost gave up on the last question but I fought and fought with my brain and succeeded!!!!!! :D :D :D I'm so happy! I actually sat there the last second scribbling down all the numbers while my hand was shaking from the stress & my brain was doing its best not to forget what the steps for the calculation was. *phew* I managed it~ and... I hope the results will be good too, of course.......... I'm not entirely happy though since I gave up on a question which I could get 3 A points for. But uh... if I didn't give up on it I wouldn't have had enough time to finish the other ones.... and besides... I never really intended to give up on it for real. I'd intended on getting back at it after I'd done all the other questions, but the time ended (or how you say it) and I ended up not calculating that question after all. Butbutbut at least I started making the notes for it so I'll probably also get some points for that? '-' I mean... the maths teacher did imply that we would get points even if we just started to make notes for the unfinished calculation sooooooooooooo :3

Wow. I kinda have a problem with writing. I just can't write anything without getting carried away and write too much of it..... in details..... which is unnecessary stuff... I'm kinda doing it right now too... o_o;
Gotta stop ><

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

"Byebye 9th grade" in about a month ;3

I've just finished my physics and French homework so I'm taking a break right now! ^ ^

~~~~I can't believe it's only about a month left till graduation of 9th grade! I can't wait to say "byebye school" and "hihi high school" ><! (sounds like stuttering .___.)

~~~~Today I took some pictures of our school since I wanted to have some kind of memory of it~~~~
I just love those trees together!!! >< My classroom is right next to it, on the second floor! That's why I have the most amazing view since my seat is sideways and not towards the whiteboard . *-*
Aw, I'm going to miss it... :/

Okay, this was a pretty useless post but *shrug* I'm just so excited ><! (and to be honest I also just wanted to show off the trees <_<)
~Okay! Back to homework!~

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The Making of Two Cakes

Today after school I baked two cakes ^ ^ One mini-cake for my friend since her birthday's today, and one
big cake for my family since my brothers couldn't accept the fact that they wouldn't get to taste it .__.
It took like 7hours (literally) to finish it all. It's not really a surprise though... since I'm slow at doing everything ><
~~~ Bake, bake, bake :3

Hwah ;_; My hand got all red from just blending the ingredients T-T

Okay! Into the oven :3
...and wait for about 55 mins...
During the wait ----> I whipped the cream. BY HAND.

And then I got out the cake and made a hole in the middle of it & put it into the fridge for it to cool down.

That thingy(that used to fill the hole in the big cake) is going to be my friend's little mini-cake. ^ ^
I "slashed" it to "thin" pieces like this 
Then I just put the filling into the different "floors" .___. Like... cream, fruits and stuff ><
and then I put the pieces together and put a "cream blanket" all over the cake (except for the mouth). and then put the kiwi on as the cake's eyes.

The back of the cake is filled with kiwi and raspberries.
This is the finishing look 
Okay, so next is the big cake '-'
There's nothing special to it but eh..

~Finishing look