Wednesday, October 31, 2012

We were...

Erin and I were supposed to hang out today. We made the "appointment" yesterday, because she wanted to see me during this holiday-week... but suddenly I got a text from her today saying:
"uhmm we can't hang out today because I'm going to meet Noir(the friend she's been adoring), so yeah see ya some other day. text me or yeah.. hihihihihihi" 
I have no idea if we made our "appointment" before hers and Noir's but.. I think WE made the appointment first.. because... if she'd made the appointment with Noir first, then there's no way she'd forget that appointment and make one with me (she should've turned me down). Erin likes Noir a lot, remember?? I remember her telling me "I have no idea if I'll be able to live without you because you've helped me with everything. I love you ^ ^" I think I got the answer with that text-message she sent me. I hope she's doing well right now. I know she's able to live without me, and this is my chance to prove that to her by making a distance. She doesn't need me :) We're going to part someday anyway, so I'll let it slowly start right now. We'll get new friends and move on, that's life..
Anyways, Erin hung out with Noir yesterday too. They went to the shopping mall and accidently met Sarah there. LOL. Sarah is pretty possesive with her friends, so that caused some scene there.. @.@ At least that's what I heard from Erin.

So.. I'm not really depressed or anything that Erin canceled the "hanging out". Because... I was the one who never contacted anyone during this holiday... so it's my own fault for not trying to hang out with my friends. If I keep up with this, I will eventually lose them... so... it's not their loss, it's mine. After those 11 years with Erin, I guess it's starting to come to an end? It's not like I expected us to stay friends forever, so... I guess it's alright. I had it coming. :)
........ I feel pathetic for smiling and crying at the same time while writing all of this...
I'll probably end up alone in the future since I have a hard time being social... TT^TT BUT... IT'S NOT MY FAULT THAT I'M UNAPPROACHABLE, RIGHT...? Okay.. it is... 
SHUT UP brain! You're making me even more depressed... 
............why the hell... am I talking to my brain? ;__;

Giant Pizza?

A few hours ago my brothers ordered THREE family-pizzas. They didn't know how big the pizza was going to be... @.@ and.. if I have to admit...

Second photo: I PUT MY FEET THERE .__. so... you could probably tell?
Third photo: omg, fail, fail, fail! I didn't even know what to do with my hands. FAIL! o.o;
Forth photo: LOOK AT MY FINGERS (right corner), now look at the pizza. I feel so small ;___;
Fifth photo: LOL, you can almost see how messy my room is. (I hid something as you can see .__. and what it is..... is a secret. @_@
Okay.. so I could only eat two pieces of it before I got FULL. I WASN'T EATING IT ALONE OF, COURSE. MY SISTER AND MY MOTHER HELPED ME TOO. And that... was..... all they could eat..

Lol, you were probably thinking "yes, I understand how 'big' it is, NOW SHUT UP"
;___; so, I'm so sorry *bow, bow*
I'm about to throw up right now... TT^TT
What's even worse: I gotta go to sleep. (I feel like the shewed pizza-pieces in my stomach will slowly fly out of my mouth in my sleep ;__;)
G'night. This was the most un-boring day in my daily life. XD
and... yes, I've never in my entire life eaten ordered pizza. I feel so stupid right now.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Drinking tea with a failing attempt to cheer myself up

I'm drinking tea in this messed up room... and trying to keep myself busy.

First up:
Regular tea....
Okay.. now.. I'm putting in the "fluffy sugar" XD
It's starting to melt~ :D
It was delicous *-*

I know, that was totally ridicilous... @-@
Those "fluffy" things were actually bought by me and Erin.. but.. she told me to keep them at my house... and forbid me to eat them. >.> but.. I couldn't help it!!! I mean.. D: They were right in front of me!! 
~One cannot stop one's actions once you want it!!!!~

Before I came into my room with the tea, my room had the smell of fish @.@ it's got the smell of "fishtea" .___.

Monday, October 29, 2012


I went "shopping" with Issa todayy.. and... also... to the movies. @.@
It was fun~
But... I MISSED THE BUS SO SHE HAD TO WAIT FOR HALF AN HOUR UNTIL I GOT THERE. I felt so guilty. TT^TT and.. well.. when I was waiting for the bus to come.. I met an old man who was talking "dukfysuyfodiutort" which means I didn't understand him at all when he tried to speak to me. I've got a problem with strangers..... I tend to laugh uncontrollably whenever some stranger does something unexpected... so... OF COURSE I LAUGHED. So... he kind of... started to talk to someone else instead.. and then... he wanted to know what time it was.. but he couldn't see his watch since his other hand wasn't free... which meant he couldn't take up his sleeve to see the time!! (confusing, I know) ANYWAYS, SO HE USED HIS MOUTH TO BRING UP THE SLEEVE AND IT LOOKED FUNNY.. So.. I couldn't help but laugh.... (damn me) I feel guilty... I hope he didn't get offended..... ;___;

I bought a white pen which I'm going to use.. to draw on my shoes!!!! :D
I'm not going to do it yet, since I'm gonna do it during the weekend with Issa. ^ ^ I've only gotten white color... so... I'll have yet to buy the other colors before the weekend. @3@

We came home pretty late so I walked in the dark alone :3
I like walking in the dark!!!! >.<
While talking... I was thinking of stuff..... IT'S PEACEFUL ^ ^

I don't have much to talk about the movie... It was okay. BUT THEY HAD UNNECESSARY S*X SCENES!! D; I couldn't watch it!! So.. I was like "I'm taking a popcorn noooowwwww *watching the popcorns*" Y'know... I had to keep myself occupied, I DIDN'T WANT TO LOOK SUSPICIOUS.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

It's alright.

It's alright, I'm not sad.
Mom promised me a few days ago that she'd give me her coat because she couldn't wear it. Whether it's pretty or not, I didn't care. I was just happy that I'd for once... get something special that my sister wouldn't take away from me... but I felt guilty since she didn't get one.. but anyways.
Yesterday my sister saw the coat and asked mom why she couldn't get it. So my mom told her she could. I don't blame my sister from wanting it, she didn't know anything. But.... uhm.. yeah, mom forgot all about me. Whatever. Why would I care? I felt guilty for getting it 'from the beginning' anyway. Today, mom gave it to her. She was happy. I couldn't help feeling invisible although I know it's my own fault for staying isolated the whole time. Sis gets everything she wants. It's easy for her to voice her opinions... to voice what she wants.
I envy her.
I thought for myself "But mom..? Have you forgotten that you said you'd give it to me? And sis... didn't you already get all those special things while I'm getting all the unwanted things? Aren't they enough?" Hahah.. I couldn't help but getting these selfish thoughts... Can't I just act spoiled for once...?
You know what? Just now I decided not to care. I don't need any stuff, I don't need any attention.
I'm fine.
I'm NOT fine. But seriously, I don't care about those annoying stuff anymore.
As long as no one knows about the selfishness inside of me, I'm fine with being invisible.
I'm a coward. ò3ó but whatever... TT^TT

Saturday, October 27, 2012

No words?

No words today, just three simple photos.

No... wait... alright!!!!!
I miss the sun's warmth... >3<
It has started to snow for a few seconds @.@ and.. the weather is awfully cold right now...

These days are quite dead. I'm not doing anything... I'm just nerding myself by reading mangas..
I have no life. AND SINCE IT'S ONE-WEEK-HOLIDAY RIGHT NOW, I'LL PROBABLY BE DOING NOTHING BUT THAT. (and thereafter.... struggling over the stress of not having done any homework because I "forgot"... seriously? This is becoming a bad habit.... -.-)
But... tomorrow... I might go to the shopping mall with my younger brother. He's going to buy video games, hahah... and.. well.. I thought of buying some fabric paint because I'm thinking of painting on my shirts and shoes.. o3o (I KNOW IT'S CHILDISH, BUT.. "so what"? ;___;)

Friday, October 26, 2012

My luck is crashing

Remember when I said I was so lucky waaay before??
Well.. that luck is CRASHING. I mean... yesterday I thought I finished with the movie editing... but the laptop was lagging all the time... so the program just closed itself and I had to re-do it all over again like 3973987590 times. I was pretty pissed... I didn't take a shower yesterday like I said I was going to.. so... I kind of... lied? (NO I DIDN'T LIE. I JUST DIDN'T KNOW THE PLANS WERE GOING TO CHANGE!) Well, well.... so I stayed up and almost pulled an all-nighter. The movie got finished around 11.50 pm. o3o and.... then the uploading-video-to-send-to-someone started.... I had to send it to Sarah before today(friday ._.) because I was going to take a day off school today. (for some reasons..) Anyways... I HAD TO SEND IT AS FAST AS POSSIBLE (BEFORE IT WAS FRIDAY) BECAUSE I WASN'T GOING TO HAVE TIME TO SEND IT TO HER BEFORE THE "FILM-SHOWING-SESSION" AT SCHOOL. (I had to wake up at 6.00am to go somewhere at 7.00am and stay there until 10am)

So here it goes:
I tried to send it to Sarah and a teacher to get to the 'safe side'. That went on until 12pm... and unfortunately.... the video uploading had to load FOREVER!!!! So.. I sat there waiting for it to finish loading... I couldn't go sleep at the time because the laptop would automatically 'switch off'... or... probably: I was too stupid to think of that because I was TOO SLEEPY TO THINK LIKE A NORMAL PERSON. You know... my brain 'wore off'.... Anyways... so I sat there glaring at the 'loading...' thing.... but then I was soooo bored and sleepy... so I just had.... to move the 'mouse'... (it's not called "mouse" on a laptop, now, does it? -.-) Since I was sleepy and my eyes were hurting I started to sweat... -.- My fingertips were sweating @.@ so... I ACCIDENTLY CLICKED ON SOMETHING WHICH CAUSED THE "LOADING" TO GET INTERRUPTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL, THAT... WAS THE WORST FEELING EVER!!!!! I JUST WANTED TO THROW MY LAPTOP INTO THE WALL AND SEE IT CRASH ON THE FLOOR AND THEN LAUGH AT IT!!!!!!! SERIOUSLY!!!! SO I HAD TO RE-UPLOAD IT AGAIN!!!! WHICH TOOK ANOTHER 38728395094285 MINUTES!!!! SUDDENLY IT WAS 12.46pm.... and... I just couldn't take it anymore!!! so.. I tried to fix the settings for the laptop so that it wouldn't switch off.... and.... went to sleep at 1pm. ò.ó I couldn't fall asleep... because I was thinking non-stop about how much I hated that situation and how small amount of sleep I would get.... ANYWAYS. I let it load during my sleep...

so when I woke up again at 6am I saw it got finished!!!! so I sent it!
BUT THEN I GOT THE MESSAGE FROM SARAH SAYING "I'm not sure if they're going to show our movie on the session today... since they're going to vote..." so.. I'M LIKE... DIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! DID I DO ALL OF THIS FOR NOTHING!??!?!?!?!??!??!?!? I COULD'VE JUST SENT IT TODAY AFTER THE SESSION INSTEAD!!!! THEN I SHOULD'VE GOTTEN TO SLEEP AROUND 10pm-11pm AND GOTTEN SO MUCH MORE SLEEP INSTEAD!!!!! I'm so pissed....

and.... today... my mom cried.... could the day get any worse!??!?!?!? I had to comfort her and hug her.. I cried automatically with her... but she's okay now, because we (me, my younger brother and my older sister) fixed it. (she had a fight with dad ...)

but.. guess what?? YES, THE DAY GOT WORSE... because I lost my mobile pendant that my lil' cousin gave to me.... it was a pendat that her friend (a guy) found on the ground and then gave it to her... and she gave it to me... which means it has a lot of "former owners".... It's special to me because she gave it to me!!!!! and.... it was in my favorite colors too....... (it was small electric guitar in black n red) I asked her why she wanted to give it to me since she got it by him. So she told me it was okay, since he wasn't going to remember that he gave it to her anyways. LOL. It was cute though... >.<

WHY IS THE WORLD SO CRUEL TO ME?!?!?!??! No... wait... I'm the one being cruel to myself... =  =

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Probably okay.

Today at school....
...we made three kinds of food. The first one wasn't a dessert, from Spain.... The second and the third one were desserts from France and Germany. Well... "my group" (okay... "our group?") made the German dessert. ^ ^
This is how the result looked like:

Uhh.. I dunno how it's called in German... >  <
It was fun making it... but... in the end I had to do the dishes by myself because Sarah didn't want to... -.- Am I spoiling her too much?? @.@
We ate all the food in this order:
1. Spain's....... *forgot the name* .__. (AM I GETTING OLD?!?)
.... and it was okay. o3o
2. French crêpes
...and the last one.... OUR GERMAN.... Apple... something ;__;
LOL, I'm ashamed of myself for not knowing their names (except for the french one). >  <
Wait.. I'm also ashamed of the chocolate on the plate... @.@

Well, well...
Today.... it was Sarah's birthday.... so we went to her with these:
It was awesome > o < (although we almost didn't have any cream at all since Erin accidently pushed my hand (which was holding the bowl) and the cream smashed onto floor outside of Sarah's door. ;__;
We were in great shock. @.@
But!!!! I finally finished our film project!!! :D (it's still a fail though)
I think I'm going to take a shower. It's 10.44pm right now.... is it too late to take a shower? >  < No, never mind, I'll take one.... o3o
by'bye ^ ^ *bow, bow*

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Failing filming project...

Alright, here it goes....
At school we were filming our ghost movie based on four people. (so, yes... there are four people in my group). We're kind of finished with the filming... -.- Okay, we're not finished... we have a few scenes left... The movie looks like an amateur's work (obviously). We're amateurs. -.-
We should've just taken the regular "love story" we first suggested..... TT^TT LOL, HOW COULD AMATEURS POSSIBLY MAKE A SUCCESSFUL GHOST MOVIE?? I mean.. come on.. ;__; we need effects and stuff.... D:
Ugh, anyways..
I feel like dropping the whole project right now.. since I'm the one who has to take the responsibility for it to be finished until Friday... We don't really have enough time for the editing tomorrow... which means I have to sit here for some hours... and "cut the clips together". I'm so tired.... the others can't help me.... because they're not really much of a "computer-freak" as me.... but I'm not really an EXTREME COMPUTER FREAK but whatever.... TT^TT I know I sound egoistic, but they can't help me with the editing!!! Because anything would be fine to them... so... a small mistake is "it's fine already" for them...
I feel like the bad guy right now.. but... seriously? The movie won't get finished in time if I don't fix the clips today! They wouldn't do it... so if I wouldn't either... then who would???
I'm seriously freaking out right now. I want to throw myself into the wall and break my ribs so that I wouldn't have to go to school tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


I was lucky today~
We couldn't take the guitar lesson today because the 'leader' was sick. >  < (I'm happy, but at the same time... I feel sorry for him .__.) Anyways.. next week's guitar lesson will also be 'closed'! I don't know the reason why though. @.@ But I guess it's because next week is a so called "fall/autumn-holiday". ^ ^
It feels good to take a break from things, it really does!!! >  < I FEEL FREE!
I feel like flying................ *-*
I feel like screaming, I feel like crying....
Lol, I'm about to go crazy.
Rofl.. I screamed and paused right at the flying-black-thing-moment. I DON'T EVEN WANT TO PUT THE CREEPY VIDEO HERE BECAUSE OF MY FEAR OF BEING HAUNTED BY IT.

At school, we're about to make a short movie... It feels pretty messed up and complicated right now... but I hope it'll be alright. I started the filming but I wasn't really content with it... but,but... my 'group-mates' said it was great. -.- but... I want to re-film it!!! ò3ó
It has to be perfect!! ... or else I'm just gonna get depressed........ ;___;
But... somehow it doesn't feel as if they put much effort in our project..................
or.... is it just my stupid way of thinking...? I'm being ghhh *fjhdfkoifuosafjof* I hate myself for going in these negative ways of thinking....

G'night.... *closes eyes* >  <

"That other part of me"

She's always there looking at me, smiling
Her negative comments are there, always piling
Without a break, she tries to push me down
She's the upper hand, she's got the invisible crown
She's the better image of me in their minds
Her 'perfectness' is so shining it blinds

The imaginary me is taking over
They state that they see me,
though the truth is; they only see the cover
In their hearts and minds that person is all they want to see
In their eyes there's not a single part of the real me

Their expectations start to grow higher... the impatient part of me is catching on an invisible fire
For this fire to break through is nothing I desire..
"You won't fail", please don't be such a liar
I'm not even allowed to let out a small, almost unheard, scream...
Don't you know?
I want to be in this world knowing I got someone, somewhere... in MY team.

.... I seriously can't take it anymore... I cried yesterday... mom told me I could skip the Thai lesson tomorrow.. and told me to stop doing that pile of homework. It felt like a big stone just fell off my chest (lol). But I can't keep going on like this.. I mean... escaping... I have to face it someday. -.-
...but for now... just let me escape for a bit....

Monday, October 22, 2012

High Schools.... My choice?

I'm taking "a break" right now. (the bunny ears " " means I'M LYING. I'M NOT JUST TAKING A BREAK. I'M POSTPONING IT TO TOMORROW, DAMN ME.)
Right now I'm looking into different cataloges to be able to choose the right high school. >  <

Lol, a pile of catalouges and commercials.... -3-
"Create your future!"

Uhh, anyway... I started with that girl in orange ._.
Okayy. I know. The girl has bags and under-eye-circles. But.. I've got no idea what they were thinking when they chose her as their cataloge model.. butbut.. she's attractive in her own way...? with dry lips... LET'S DROP THAT SUBJECT "FOR NOW". <.<
The first time I saw her I was thinking "Oh.... so she studied and did her homework for so many hours that she couldn't get any sleep?!? That's probably why her eyes are like that... I feel sorry for her... she's not even smiling. õ.ô (OKAY, I JUST GOT INTERRUPTED BECAUSE THE BATTERY WAS LOW. BUT ANYWAYS...)
But they did the right thing by choosing her. *thumbs up* I mean she's got a pretty good image for high school! I mean.. it's true, isn't it? ....I mean.. studying hell a lot... and stuff.. = . =
Well.. I opened the cataloge and found a test. ^ ^
I love tests *-* They're fun. >.> Those humans are pretty too. :3
"What type are you?"
These are my results:
So.. I'm creative.... a friend of nature... and a computer freak, slash, genius.. XD
Cool .__.
I "read more" on the pages for "Creator" and found the jobs that probably would suit me...
"A BAKER" interested me!!! :< I want to make cakes!!!! and decorate them.... *-*
Huuhuuuuuu... but I have so many other dreams too....
1. Photographer
2. Film director
3. Author
5. Work with "music-making".....
6. Designer
BUT THOSE JOBS ARE HARD TO FIND. I MEAN.... My dad said "pshhh, those jobs are no good. You're going to end up being a hobo." (except for the BAKER and DESIGNER thingy)
But, but.. I dunno what to do... I can't choose "fun" before "career". D: (or whatever you usually say ._.)

But, but... I really really want to get into this high school:
I can't have everything the way I want though Q_Q (obviously)

-Ooops, that "girl in orange" got the pen poked into her eye. o.e
LOL.... I know, it's weird... but I just had to take a photo of that.. although it already was in the photo above this photo...
PS. My sentences are pretty messed up in this post.... e.e
PSS. I'm heading to sleep now... I'm so sleepy... >  <



Hahah.... It's so frustrating... I feel pathetic.. this is killing me, I swear... I'm doing Thai homework right now (or "did" and will continue... -.-)
I don't understand... Why is it that I get an A in Thai but it's still the worst and hardest fckn' subject in school?!?!? Seriously.. I'm about to break. It's the worst. It's the only subject I feel like I want to escape from... Does she think I'm a freakn' pro?!?!? She has the highest impossible expectations of me! Whenever I tell her "I can't do this. It's too much." she's being like... "Oh, don't be silly! :) I know you can do it!" AND DOES NOT CONSIDER MY FEELINGS AT ALL. IS SHE KIDDING ME?!?!?

Omg, and her tests??? They're making me have unnecessary anxious thoughts...
It's always like this:
Teacher: You're going to have a test next week. :) (WHY DO YOU HAVE TO SMILE!????!??!?!)
Me: Okay... may I know of which part I have to study on?
Teacher: Oh, silly you. It's a secret! Don't you dare ask your sister for advice either, since she's also done this test. :P (STOP MAKING THAT CREEPY FACE!!!)
Me: .................. ó.ò but.... I won't be able to do it....
Teacher: Yes you will! It'll be the easiest test in history! You'll make it ;) (LIAR!)
Let me prepare for it... PLEASE!!!!! ò.ó Is it too much to ask???
...and the whole week before, I go around thinking "I won't be able to pass it, I won't be able to pass it... What should I study??? I can't prepare anything..."
But the Test is:
"What does the Thai-flag's colors represent?"
(that's the most random question ever!!! how would I remember?!?)
"What food is Thai's national food?"
(what?!? I'm not a cultural person!!!! At least you should've taught me!!!"
Those questions were so random but goddamn easy if she'd just teach me it once!
She's... no never mind... -.-

Sunday, October 21, 2012

That thing is killing me.

To view the mask-making click here.
This is my brother :P
In the last photo he was like "I can't breathe!!! IT'S MAKING ME BLIND." I told him "Just a few more seconds, I promise. >  <"
Him: I'm getting teary Q_Q
Me: HAHAHHAHAH, alright. Take it off. xP
He... was having fun though. :3 (he even got to borrow my hoodie ._.)
Lol, thank you, human, for being a model for that awfully heavy mask. @.@

"If I die young" >.<
Their voices are so.............. soothing. ;__;


I made a simple puzzle-baby-like-necklace a long time ago. ._.
... and re-colored it today. >  < (the first two photos are the "before")

Got some colors on my hand... but whatever. >3<
The black side's text failed.. (up n down) so I made the smiley that way so that it would look like I made it intentionally. XD

...I made this a long time ago:

Peace! >.<

...and... made this for my teachers last year....

One red and one blue.
The results didn't get into the camera.... .__. because it was my brother who took these photos for fun. @.@ I didn't take any extra photos since I was in a hurry.... I mean... something happened that day so I had to pull an "all nighter" for it to finish till the next day.
It feels good to make something for someone. ^ ^
LOL, I just took a honey jar and made the hearts out of 2897938 papers and colored them. Thereafter I got the blue and red thingies from my sisters friend to make a bow-tie. >.<
and... then I wrote the teachers' names on a piece of paper and laid them in there. @.@ ...and wrote a message for them.. too.

WOW, such a boring explanation XD
Next week isn't going to be a usual-boring-school-week! Next week will be a week where we'll work with something that we're interested in. But... ugh...
This year the only subjects we can choose from are:
1. Languages
2. Technics
3. Society
LOL ._.
Last year we had:
1. Dance
2. Drawing
3. Cooking
4. P.E
5. Theatre
I had dancing. It was lots of fun! >o<
But........ this year.......................... there are only those three options. ;__;
I hope it will be as fun as last year though... (I have languages) But oh, well. 
At least there are no homework next week! :D Except for..... Thai -3-

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Small walk

Today... I took a 'small walk' with Erin. ^ ^

And passed school.....
It looks plain. .____.
Oh, well... It got dark... so we went home...
Step, step, step, step....
Till the last floor.... Welcome to my home... ^ ^
Knock before you enter though.
'KAY... I took the joke too far.... >  < (WITH THAT I MEANT; DON'T COME IN!!! Lol, it'd freak me out. @.@)
I got this thing from Sarah yesterday :3
Many thanks! b(_ _)~

Though when she gave me it.... Erin acted strange. -.-
Sarah: You know that I really love you right? *holds my hand*
Me: yes, I love you too .___________.
Sarah: So... that's why I'm going to give you this. *gives me the Naruto-Sasuke-thing or whatever you call it*
Me: Really?? ^ ^'
Sarah: Really.
Erin: You disgusting lesbian e.o
Me: >.> What are you saying?
Erin: Don't you see?!?!?? That was soo disgusting! Don't ever hold her hands again! *looks at Sarah* You look like a lesbian pair!!!
Me: Oh, please Erin. Don't take that seriously..... -.-
Sarah: I'm going to give you something too Erin! 0.0 Just wait here! *runs into her room*
Erin: C'mon let's get outta here before she's back!
Me: why ? .___.
*Erin drags me out*
Erin: Don't you think she has special feelings for you?
Me: No.... she's just joking. She always does that. It's a friend-thing? (telling each other "I love you")
Erin: NO. She clearly has feelings for you. When I saw her take your hand it was so disgusting!!!!
Me: Erin, you're being mean. -.-
Erin: Don't you remember that day when she asked you "If I were a guy... would you fall in love with me?"
Me: I do.. but she's just playing around. You know her very well. She likes cosplaying. -.-
Erin: No, ewwwww.
*Sarah looks from her window*
Sarah: Byebye!!!!
Me: *waves*
Erin: Don't wave to her!!!!!!!!!!! Don't even look at her!!!!
Me: You know that you're hurting her feelings right?

To be honest... I don't like that side of her... ;___;